Toby, a Dallas area resident, runs a paranormal/conspiracy theory podcast called Secret Transmission Podcast, and so was probably pretty excited when he saw not one, not two, but four UFOs. Fortunately, he was able to keep cool and ask his girlfriend to snap a photograph. He then graciously submitted the photo and a detailed testimony to the site: We were driving home from the grocery store. I noticed 4 lights in the sky. They were not moving and were in a perfect quarter circle. Like if you were looking at a face of a clock the lights were at 9-8-7-6. They stayed like this for about 1 minute. I told my girlfriend to take a picture. We were driving so she was having difficulties. She finally got one decent picture, but the lights had already started moving and split up in all different directions. Two of the lights came over our direction. I tried to film it but the video didn't turn up very well. The light was moving extremely fast. It was in the shape of a diamond and had 4 white lights on it. The two on the sides were blinking. Could these be well-choreographed drones? Flares caught up in the wind? Spirit orbs?? If you also saw these UFOs as well, report your sighting and help solve the mystery.
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Many people have been snapping photos of what appears to be a lens flare. However, some of the witnesses have seen or experienced something along with the photo, and most importantly, they are taking some really strange photos. Unlike anything I've seen in years past. But maybe phones and camera phones produced different artifacts a while back? You be the judge... Check out the latest, this time from Gainseville, as reported to MUFON: I was texting pictures of the sunrise and discovered that I had taken the picture of the orb. The yellow are contained for equally spaced black appearances in the photo.
Compare this most recent photo to others from the past few months:
Have you been able to capture similarly strange photos? Share your story! Think you understand what's going on here? Chime away in the comments or on the Facebook page.
A Gainseville resident was lucky enough to spot a meteor gliding - well, more like fading - over him. Check out the footage and read quotes from it below: "Appeared out of nowhere This is likely the product of the adored and fortunately, annual, Perseid Meteor Shower! It sounds like a shoe-in, though this does seem like a pretty dramatic entrance so early in the game... Here's a description of the shower I stumbled upon thanks to Reddit: A description from |
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