November 2nd, 2014 Update: Many meteors have been reported since. has been receiving a steady stream of "fireball" reports over the past several days, with a definite peak on the dates of the 15th and 16th. Although none originated from Texas, I'm pretty sure the Lone Star State got a good show, too. Here are a few reports to share. Check out this anonymous testimony submitted to Texas UFO Sightings: Not sure of the exact time that I saw the tube like plane, I would guess between 2:30 As well as another report submitted to the site by Nick Alwin: Appeared to be a meteorite. Fireball with orange tail falling to the south toward Richmond-Rosenberg area. It looks like residents of the Great Lakes got most of the fireballs, but Texans clearly caught a glimpse of some pretty hectic space weather, too. And we know space is quite active right now - remember the comet that barely missed Mars on the 19th, just days after these sightings? The sun's been wonky as ever, to boot! If you saw a shooting star in Texas recently, report it!
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