November 15th, 2014 Update: Another fireball was sighted on November 8th all over Texas. November 4th, 2014 Update: A giant fireball was spotted in the Eastern US on Monday, November 3rd. Starting October 16th and continuing into November, there have been a steady report of meteors sighted in Texas and other neighboring states. In fact, generally speaking, dramatic accounts of huge fireballs have been increasing in frequency over the years. But there's no known meteor shower making an appearance right now. The Orionids should be long gone by now. The sun is active very active, though, so should we be all that surprised by Nature's current firework shows? Or maybe we are seeing debris from the recent crashes of the unmanned NASA rocket and the Virgin commercial spacecraft? Well, let's take a look at what people have been looking at up in the sky to find out! : ) Yesterday morning, a bright object exploded over the Golden Gate Bridge: Saturday November 1, 2014 at 7pm, I I t From SF marina and looking up at the bridge admiring the clear nite I saw this fly over the bridge crash into the marin headlands. We drove over to find it... And Texas might have seen a meteor yesterday, too, according to @Elaykins: The story keeps going. There were some amazing shows on Halloween and the days before. Like the great fireball captured on a sky cam in Hawley, Texas on October 30th (according to Lunarmeteoritehunters.com): I'm sure there are more, but I wasn't able to find any other pictures or videos in my quick research. Lots of reports, though. Here's a sampling of the many, many fireball accounts to hit the Internet (from AMSMeteors.org to MUFON) over the past few weeks... more than one person heard an owl-like screech noise along with their sighting: This was the most astonishing astronomical happening I've ever witnessed. It was huge and looked as though it was only 100 miles from me. - Amanda G, October 31st in Nebraska Did you see this fireball, too? Help solve the mystery and share your experience.
Could it be space junk? Meteor shower? Debris from the recent, unrelated crashes of a rocket and commercial space craft? (The timing is incredible.) Share your ideas in the comments or on the Facebook page.
Recently, we reported on a Hawley, TX sighting of a potential meteor on April 16th. Well, now we've got a similar sighting in nearby Clyde on April 20th. Is this resulting in the Lyrid Meteor Shower? UFO description by "Kenneth Wilson," from elpasoallsky.blogspot.com: kenneth wilson Clyde, TX. USA 5:53 central time from my view it was about 2 seconds but could be longer as i lost sight of it behind the trees in my yard i was facing north path of travle was W-S-W to E-N-E at about 20 degrees down. It was out of the clouds when i first saw it then came thru the clouds and disappeared behind the trees in my yard. It was yellow to white in color and i saw it from my angle for about 2 seconds.If Hawley or OKC had there cameras runing they should both have seen it as it was in the area just above the Hawley camera from my prospective. NO sound brighter then venus but not as bright as the full moon. not that i could see none
![]() Abilene Fireball First, there was the meteor-turned-jet-contrail in San Antonio on April 2nd. Well, now we have a sighting from April 16th of a similar fireball in North Texas (in Hawley, near Abilene). The UFO was caught on a special cam. Could these sightings be related to the fireball that recently visited Palm Beach's sky? Was NASA right about the San Antonio sighting being a jet contrail instead of a meteor or true-blue UFO? From elpasoallsky.blogspot.com (where you can also watch a video): At 4:16 A.M. April 16, 2012, Two Sandia Sentinel allsky fireball cameras recorded a significant fireball event over North Texas. If you observed this fireball, we need your reports. Please click here to send us a description of what you saw. Please include your location, the direction you were facing, direction in which the object traveled (i.e. left to right etc.), approximate duration and color and any bright flashes or sounds observed.
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