A resident of Highland Village, TX (outside the Dallas/Fort Worth area) witnessed two large, distinct lights traveling through the sky, and even blinking. The witness is sure they didn't see airplanes, as they're used to such things, and suggested it might have been two meteors. Here's the MUFON report of the May 12th sighting: I went outside to my backyard to throw away trash. I looked up and saw what I believed to be an airplane, as we live about 15 miles from the Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport. I then saw the 2nd light traveling close behind. The objects were too close together in proximity to be airplanes, as I have observed many airplanes at this elevation (during busy times, we can see aiplanes approaching DFW every 2 or so minutes). The objects were moving south very quickly, and were much larger than airplane lights. The lights were also flickering as if on fire. After about a minute or so, they began to turn to the west.They disappeared behind the tree line of my backyard trees. Airplanes in this flight path that go over us always proceed due south. I ran inside to get my husband, but when I returned, they were gone. I thought they could have been meteors, but they were not descending at all. I don't know what I saw, but they were not airplanes, as I see them on a regular basis. There was also an airplane taking off to the north at the same time that I saw these lights.
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