A really amazing and frightening encounter of a large flying saucer-like craft silently floating through the sky has been submitted to NUFORC (case 145006). The witness believed the UFO may have been following them. As always, you be the judge on whether or not you think this witness was visited by alien or something else mysterious. Share your thoughts on the following testimony in the comments, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! A huge saucer/droid type with lots of lights blinking and floating low and no noise seemed to be following my car late at night .
Remember the Stephenville lights that appear to have popped up again? And the other account of similar lights in the sky, on the same night, but in the Dallas area? Well, we've got another eerily familiar sighting like that, which happened on the same night but in a different part of the state: Texas UFO Sightings received a second hand account of a UFO sighting, which was apparently a mass sighting. Luckily, the primary witness was able to capture it all on camera and upload the footage to YouTube - but apparently the camera was really distorting. You can listen to the witness describe how creepy the discrepancy is. Check out the photo, report, and of course the video. The photo depicts a colorful, vibrating light bending around the night sky, while the video shows an orb vibrating and then seemingly being joined by a new small light, flying with them in tandem: Angela C saw mysterious lights in the sky. I zoomed all the way in for her but she has the original plus two videos. This happened on Huffman, TX and she has people on her Facebook saying they saw the same thing that night! Are you one of the Texans who witnessed this light? ... or these lights? Have you seen a UFO of any kind, any where in Texas recently? Report your sighting!
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