Here are some recent UFO sightings that I thought were intriguing. Check them out on YouTube and comment what you think think!
We've posted night vision UFO footage from YouTuber "theyreoutthere" before. Like other local UFO chasers, he's a firm believer that ET is visiting and that's his conclusion for the UFOs he frequently captures on his night vision camera. However, could these UFOs really be satellites or planes? The two UFOs featured in the following video do seem to appear out of nowhere and travel with some intention, however the straight lines they travel in really give them a "satellite" feel. A debate is currently going on in the comments for this video (and you can read them below). First of all, here's the video: And the video description: I spotted two separate ufos moving very slowly. The first one was around 9:30 pm and the second was 9:43 pm. I used a sony dcr-sr82 video camera and a yukon ranger digital night vision monocular. And a few interesting comments: We see these very often from the back of our building, my son also talks to them and waves to them, he asked them to give a sign that they knew of his presence and they glowed brightly, this happened twice when he asked, he believes they communicate by thought... -pjakobsson126 I've been finding tons of reports of UFOs out of the Dallas area, and honestly it's lot to digest. Whether you check Twitter, MUFON or YouTube, you'll discover that Dallas residents are seeing all kinds of wacky things in the sky. So, I've put together a recap so you can follow along easily. Arlington and Irving seem to be getting the brunt of it. Check out the Dallas UFO flap timeline, as well as video highlights below. February 26 (though sightings started before): March 1: March 2:
March 3:
March 4
See video highlights below: Irving lights - making formations and slowly disappearing, one by one (multiple witnesses): Gray orb reappears and disappears over Arlington (multiple witnesses): Multiple lights dance around the night sky in Arlington: So, a resident of Hurst, TX, theyreoutthere, has been uploading a series of YouTube videos featuring night vision footage of apparent UFOs - of all sizes and speeds. Due to the vague footage and the huge frequency of these UFOs, one wonders -- are there natural or man-made explanations for these things, or are we being visited way more frequently and secretively than we realize? Here's the latest video, featuring both fast moving objects and a large, satellite-like one. YouTuber theyreoutthere has uploaded several videos now of UFOs caught on his/her night vision cam (1, 2) - in Hurst, TX (outside Fort Worth). What do we have here - meteors, satellites, birds? Here's the latest footage, from May 9th: The video description reads: Saw the first UFO ET Craft Ovni at approximately 9:39pm May 9 and a couple minutes later saw the second UFO at 9:42 pm. Using Yukon Ranger digital night vision. Both of these Alien craft were really moving and both were moving towards the North. And here's a comment, from ISamuelII: I know they can't be satellites lit up by the sun. I have seen plenty of those over the years.
I want to believe, but a possible indentification (IFO) for the fast moving one would be night flying bird or bat. You seem to have caught one meteorite from mid-top to (our) lower left just past half frame. The one that starts up out of no where at 0:47 is weird. I would not call that one a bird or bat. |
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