A Hutto resident saw a strange "star" in the sky - except it wasn't really a star, more like a triangle shaped object just hovering there in the sky. Like many UFOs tend to do, it mysteriously disappeared. Fortunately the mother of the witness submitted a photo and secondhand account of the sighting to MUFON. Check the photo and report out below, and also compare to it recent sightings in Dallas and in and around Hutton!: I was inside watching TV when my daughter came in from outside. She told me there was a weird looking star in the sky and asked me to come outside and see it. When I went outside I did not see the object. We live underneath a very busy approach path for the Austin international airport. So she sees approching aircraft every night and knows what they look like. She describes the object as a triangle or Chevron shape object just hovering high in the sky high enough that a plane flew underneath it.she said its stay hovering there for a few seconds and when she came to get me and we both went outside it had already disappeared. She did take a picture of it with her phone and it looks like a chevron against a black sky. Have you seen strange things in the sky in Central Texas recently? Report your sighting to TUS! As always, if you have thoughts on what this object - or these objects! - could have been, please share them in the comments.
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