10/7/22: It's looking like this was a sighting of a helicopter, and not an alien spaceship! Some Twitter users pointed out that in the video, you can hear the sound of propellers, or a... helicopter. When I originally watched the video, it must have been on mute (oops) or I just didn't notice! If you think this theory is wrong, though, let me know.
A video showing a craft of some kind (?) slowly moving over the Tower of the Americas in San Antonio has been uploaded to YouTube. I asked the witness for more information, and they elaborated to say the lights seemed to appear "out of nowhere;" the witness was also puzzled by people in the area who were wearing riot gear, though there's no telling if it was connected to the sighting or not:
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SOLVED! HOAX!!!!! Maybe NOT Drones? - Story Updated - Amazing Footage Shows UFOs Over Round Rock9/19/2022
9/19/22 6:31 PM: So as of right now, I think we can put this sighting to bed. I was putting together a YouTube wrap up of everything I had found out, including my follow up with the journalist who wrote the California news story, and my increasingly confusing confusion that some, but maybe not all?, of this event had been hoaxed. I had even contacted the Fox 7 reporters to tell them about my suspicions!
Well, it turns out, all of it was! One of the eyewitnesses to the originally-reported mass sighting in Austin has now come forward and claimed to be an actress, vindicating skeptics like Mick West who immediately suspected the videos to be fake, despite all the eyewitness testimony pouring in. Check out the confession video and let me know what you think of this in the comments:
9/5/22 2:41 AM Update: This story is still developing. I am learning there was a similar, and similarly suspect sighting, in California a few nights before. It looks like one of the videos from California had been posted on this page --- I've since removed it, so we can focus on the Texas sighting and not contribute to any confusion. I am continuing to look at all angles of this event, from hoax (more and more evidence that this is the case) to mass sighting, and will be posting more soon!
9/3/22 2:41 PM Update: More and more videos are rolling in of the mysterious green lights hovering, and then zooming away, over - what we can now call the Round Rock, Texas/Central Texas area - and the more and more videos I see, the more and more I'm coming back around to the conclusion that these were... drones. But amazingly fast, high-tech ones at that. But who was controlling them? Let me know your theories on this and all the latest breaking UFO news below in the comments, or on Facebook or Twitter. In the meantime, check out another witness video, shared by Michael Daniels, who was near Spicewood, Texas at the time (less than an hour from Round Rock): — Chris Walker (@WalkerATX) September 2, 2022
I thought this footage was very impressive, especially considering these are just privately owned drones, and not secret military ones!
This definitely poses a problem for ufology. As drones become more and more advanced, it will be harder and harder to tell the difference between "ours" and "their" tech... Not to mention, even real videos of UFOs could be easily "covered up" as drones. Even I have a difficult time believing this video to be drones, as they zoom off so incredibly fast. Theories on Twitter initially suggested the lights were just coming from laser pointers. Let me know what you think of this video, and other stories like it, below in the comments, or on Facebook or Twitter. Did you also see these drones? Do you have any more to add to the story? Report it! "It looked like a black pipe... just sitting in the sky" - UFO Photographed in Daytime Over Dallas4/15/2022 Updated Story April 15th, 2022 Well, it seems Twitter agrees...this was no UFO at all, but a solar balloon! (See photos below.) I think this is a very fair theory. However, the trouble is I can't 100% verify that there was a solar balloon in the area at the time. After all, it appears most solar balloons are toys and used for recreation, so there wouldn't be a way to track them. According to world-weather.info, it was sunny in Dallas with little to no wind, and so it is possible this large solar balloon could have been hovering for a while: Updated Story April 14, 2022 As of today, I am still looking into this case. In fact, I'd like to share a comment from a possible witness to ANOTHER UFO just like this one! Maybe it can shed some new light on everything... Richard P writes: "I got pictures only. I was a passenger in my work truck. I was able to shoot pic burst on my iPhone. I was at Spring Valley and Dallas North Tollway. I first noticed it driving east on 635. Once we exited onto the service road, it was still just sitting there. I watched but never saw it moving. We continued driving till i got close enough to photograph it a few seconds at the light at the Spring Valley light. The photo doesn't give it justice...I’m still baffled with lots of unanswered questions. I don't know of anything besides a helicopter that can just sit still in the sky." Updated story October 2019: TexasUFOSightings has received a new report of this strange hovering "black pipe" over Dallas! The second potential witness of this UFO just wrote in about what they saw, and they also claim to have video footage. I haven't seen the video yet, but I wanted to share the compelling report in the meantime: "On sept 27,2019 at 10:52 am I was driving north on the Dallas north tollway just south of the 635 interchange. I spotted in the air to my right a long black pipe in the air. the pipe was motionless. It is the same object that I saw reported on your site for the same day. I captured a brief video of the object on my cell phone." Original story
A dark, rod-shaped object was photographed in the daytime sky over Dallas. According to the witness, who submitted a report to MUFON (case 103638), the UFO was totally stationary, ruling out a balloon: Something just sitting in the sky What do you think of this photo? Does it show a UFO? Or is it a misidentification (blimp, party balloon, weather balloon), or even a hoax? Or could this be a real unidentified flying object; other cigar UFOs have been reported in Texas this month, so perhaps it is all connected!
A nearly-hour long video showing a very bright, and very strange light hovering ominously in the early morning sky over a neighborhood in Houston, Texas, has been uploaded to YouTube. At one point during the video, the UFO appears to "flash" or grow bigger! However, is this a UFO, or just a star? After all, Venus is fantastically bright right now, and stars - believe it or not - do "pulsate." Check out the footage below, and let me know what you think of this recent "UFO" sighting in Texas... or if you have any other theories besides star! Bright light seen hovering in the sky: At one point in the video, the light enlarges (or flashes) a few times: The light is filmed through sunrise: And then appears to fly or fade away: 1/5/2021 update: When I first put together the report for this sighting, I wondered if the witness could be looking at a balloon, rather than a UFO. However, the photos weren't clear enough to be sure, and the witness was quite struck with what they saw and had concluded that they'd photographed something far stranger. Over time, though, no one else has come forward to confirm this sighting, and many online are suggesting that this is actually just a balloon. For now, I think we can close this case and identify it as a balloon. However, if you notice any other clues, or saw this UFO as well, let me know. Original story:
A shiny, unidentified object was seen and photographed during the daytime in Killeen, Texas, according to a recent MUFON report (case 101116). In one of the photos, a circular white orb also appears. Could it be related? As always, you be the judge: Went to get the mail across street when I noticed something flickering in the sky. I’m used to seeing planes and helicopters continuously living by Fort Hood and this was none . I went to get my camera and took several pictures. I was surprised when I zoomed in and saw the details. I’m sending the most of the original size and some of the zoomed in pictures. I do have more pictures if you want them all. Do you think these photos show something simple like a drone or balloon? Or could aliens be visiting Texas? Share your thoughts in the comments, or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! Have you ever seen anything like this? Report a UFO.
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