The following photo and testimony details a sighting from way back in January, but it only recently surfaced on MUFON and is definitely worth sharing. A Texan who is "always looking up" due to his interest in UFOs spotted some contrails (or chemtrails... you never know!) and took a photo. When examining the photo later, they noticed that they had also captured 3 UFOs: I was leaving my house about to be on my way to get bread from the local store, when i looked up and see odd looking contrails in the southern sky from either a large plane or missile i thought, there was two main ones that formed an x kinda almost cross like. I thought it could even be chemtrails so i decided to grab my phone and take a picture of all the trails, been researching independently for many years now on many conspiracys and projects the government is try to keep secret along with other esoteric topics plus trying to find out about our ancient history and were we really came from, so im always looking up. After taking the picture i got in the car and went to the store and got the bread then came home, i didn't examin the picture on my phone till around 6pm later that day to find inthe one picture i took 3 unidentified craft, one disc shaped craft on the middle left with very a very reflective exterior silver in color about 150-200ft away. on the lower right corner over some power lines was the second craft with round exterior with appendages hanging from the bottom, looks as if there is an aura or an electromagnetic field disturbance around the craft, the exterior is a black in color it was about 150-200ft away if not closer. The last craft is higher in the sky 300-400ft at least,black in color also and unknown shape looks as though it was was descending. The picture needs to be zoomed in to see greater detail of the objects. The silver disc looks like an alien craft along with the craft on bottom right not sure about the other UFO. Even this writer has seen increasingly dramatic and strange contrails/chemtrails in the Texas skies of late. Have you seen contrails or chemtrails accompanied by UFOs recently? Report your sighting.
It appears there was a lot of meteor/shooting star activity following the recent Russia meteor crash. Chalk this up to coincidence, an increased number of star gazers over the weekend, or something else. There are always the occasional shooting star or meteor sighting in Texas and all over the world, but there does seem to be an uptick this week. Here are a few of the eyewitness accounts: First there was a bright white trail and then toward the end it started to glow red to the end tip of the trail - Becky T There was also a fireball sighting in Texas the same day as the meteor impact in Russia.
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