TexasUFOs has received a really incredible account of a flying saucer over Texas in 1974. D R Wagner was 14 at the time when she saw a silver disc (the size of a football field!, and with colorful lights along the edge) hover over her, before silently and speedily taking off. What is especially intriguing is during the event, her brother's car - which was down the road - just so happened to die. Check out D R Wagner's drawing of the craft and testimony below: I encountered a UFO over my home when I was 14 in 1974 after my Dogs began to bark at the sky and I noticed the tree tops were bent over and the wind was up. So I stepped out on my front porch and as I looked up the only thing I could see was the underside of a Silver disk shaped object with multi colored lights(red,yellow,blue,green) pulsating around the under edge of the craft. It had a humming sound and hovered around 150 ft off the ground about the size of a football field. I didn’t see any hatches/doors or exhaust just smooth metal no markings and stayed in place for at least 10-15 min I felt very calm but curious, then as I stepped down off the porch for a closer look darted off in a flash with no sound. Wind died down and the sky was clear. Moments later my brother came home after having his on experience just up the road for our house. His car radio went all static and then his car died. Later that evening I noticed a spotlight searching the woods around my house show my Mom and see say it was a black helicopter and thought maybe they were looking for escaped prisoner or something. Believe it or not, there was another teen who saw a strange disc-shaped object over Texas in the spring of 1974. In that case, the UFO was seen in Waco, Texas, less than 2 hours away from this sighting in the Dallas area. To make matters more mysterious, the witness in Waco claimed to see "Men in Black" figures afterward: Do you think these cases are related? What do you think of the "flying saucers"? Are aliens piloting them? If so, why did they seem to visit us so frequently in the past, but not as often today? (These days, I typically report on Triangles and Orbs versus the classic Flying Saucer.)
Let me know your thoughts on this, and more, here in the comments, or on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram! Have you seen a flying saucer before? Or any UFO for that matter? Be sure to report your sighting. Disclosure cannot happen without YOU.
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A UFO sighting from back in April has just hit MUFON. Although this isn't a super recent sighting, it's a super great one. The lucky witness saw an feiry yellow object falling from the sky, and then stopping in mid air to hover. No details on what happened afterward - not sure if the witness left the scene or saw the object fly away or disappear (probably the former). Here's the photo of the UFO and the full witness testimony: it was falling from the sky and then it just stopped the picture was taken with a phone you can see the streets to the cloud where it came down Did you see this incredible UFO in the Dallas area, too? Report your sighting!
Any theories on what this could be? If it weren't for the hovering part, this would appear to be a meteor or space debris of some kind. Perhaps this is a light/weather phenomenon? Share your ideas in the comments or join the conversation on the Facebook page. |
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