Texas UFO Sightings reader Flora V was snapping photos of an interesting cloud when she noticed a disc shaped object in her peripheral... fortunately, she ended up snapping photos of this strange UFO, too. Apparently she has two other photos of it, and in the last one, it has faded away off into the distance. Check out her photograph and testimony, which she kindly submitted to the site: As I was on bandera Leon valley exit I saw a strange cloud... I love taking pictures of sky so I grab phone and start to take pictures and I see something out of the corner of my left eye and it looks disc shaped zap by which happens to be in direction of cloud I'm snapping pictures of... I'm surprised what came out..I have in order 3 snaps where it appears in and 3rd pic where it's faded in the distance! What could this have been? A drone? A smudge on the camera (though, unlikely, considering the witness testimony)?
Have you seen any disc shaped objects hovering over Texas recently? Report your sighting!
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