Texas UFO Sightings received an anonymous report detailing an event that's as startling as it is perplexing. A collection of white strobe lights filled the night sky of a South Texas neighborhood, and formed diamond shapes. When viewed through binoculars, the UFOs appeared almost organic: Approximately 1 am on 10-26-2014 in Linn, Texas, North 281 and west 186 last night we noticed 10 different large strobes pulsating rapidly red, white, green, blue in a diamond formation 10 miles apart from each other making one large diamond formation and in the middle of the formation, 10 or more smaller white strobes pulsating rapidly with sporadic movement. Could very easily tell actual stars from these strobes and they're movement, never seen anything like this before in my entire life. An hour later Even woke up my entire family, just to see if what I saw was actually real, and to my conclusion it was. Every single one of my family members notice everything I noticed without telling them a word. Being retired military I normally don't believe in anything that really can't be explained. With binoculars In hand It was almost as if we were looking through a microscope at living organisms making movement's. Told my family these strobes are possibly military drones just to put my family at ease, even though honestly I don't think they actually were. Can someone explain what we actually saw? Did you happen to see this amazing "performance," as well? Share your story!
This doesn't seem like Chinese lanterns to me, and it's certainly no helicopter, drone, or satellite. Meteor shower? Explosion? Something... alive? Share your ideas in the comments or on the TUS Facebook page.
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