3/8 Update: You've chimed in, and the best guess so far is it's a pair of birds. Can't be sure, but birds would probably be flying with a pretty consistent distance between them, so that makes sense! We've got a pretty neat "accidental" sighting to share today. A video editor was going through some footage and noticed something peculiar. Just 10 seconds after a normal, "identified" plane flies by, "two white dots" show up and move slowly through the sky (about as quickly as the plane). The orbs maintain the same distance between each other the entire time, and aren't going especially fast. Those qualities make me wonder if it's something that could be easily explained - but at the same time, it also has baffled me. What sort of craft could this be?? If you use the plane as a reference, this object is either gigantic or really close (which wouldn't make sense either). Ideas? Here's the video - look out for the white dots at the 15 second mark! Here's the video description: I was editing a video shot for Lamar Institute of Technology up in Silsbee, TX and thought, oh cool, I got an airplane flying through my shot. Ten seconds later I see these two white dots fly across the other side of the screen. No idea what those are.
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I discovered a new tweet about the Houston area/Louisiana fireball sighting. @Bigg_Swayy tweets that it was "like 8 objects flew by slowly flashing with a trail of light behind each one of them, I think it was a meteor shower." But is it so simple? Even experts on this topic believe this wasn't your typical fireball, but a Chinese rocket re-entering orbit and fragmenting all over the sky for all to see. To add to the weirdness, there were lots of strange UFO reports that preceded this event - even of meteor-like objects. Also of interest is that there have been two reports out of Texas recently of shooting stars that stopped and changed directions. The only hard evidence I have of this "fireball" is the video that a boat captain, who said he watched the event for a total of 3 to 4 minutes, was able to capture. See the screenshot below. Does this look like a meteor to you? And is it possible to watch a meteor for such a long duration of time? Meteor showers can last for several minutes, and even days, but I'm not sure how long a single fireball can be observed. Latest-UFO-Sightings.net chimed in with their opinion: No! Here's the latest news report about the "meteor": Along with a comment on the video, made by the YouTuber who uploaded it: this light was in the sky for 3-4 minutes. this completely rules out the possibility of it being a meteor or any sort of space junk. What do you think it was?
With all those fireball sightings from Wednesday - in Texas and Louisiana - I've been eager to see a video or photo! Well, we've finally got one. The video shows a glowing ball moving through the sky, it's dark footage and it's a great one to add to the pile. KSDK.com, along with other local news outlets, reports that Captain William Lowry saw the meteor from his boat in Freeport. The Captain was stunned by the meteor, as he's used to seeing shooting stars, and this was so much more epic than that. The debate about what really flew over Texans' heads on Wednesday morning... was it a meteor, space junk, or something else? Either way, with recent UFO outbreak in Houston, and the Russia/Cuba/Saudi Arabia/etc/etc meteors, one wonders. A few quotes from the witness: (i've seen) "nothing like this of this magnitude" UPDATE: watch a video of the South Texas fireball. With all the meteor madness of late, it's really hard to accept the explanation that the fireballs seen for miles in Texas and Louisiana were the debris of a Chinese rocket re-entering the atmosphere. Why? Because that would mean - according to NASA - that the closest asteroid flyby in centuries (2012 DA14), the catastrophic (but fortunately not deadly) meteor crash in Russia, and all the other huge meteors being seeing around the globe of late, including this one, are all completely unrelated! Not to mention, the Houston area - which had one of the best views of this fireball, recently experienced a wave of UFOs, seeming to eerily anticipate this event. You might begin to wonder if there's something going on over on the sun or out there in space, something that's causing everything from rockets to asteroids to plunge into us. What do you think the recent "UFO" in Texas was? Did you see it? If so, send us your take on it, and if you've got photos or videos to share, bring them on! Below is a video made about the Texas/Louisiana "meteor," and it's a nice recap: This video prompted a bunch of comments, theorizing about what this fireball could be, from drones to Planet X: Yeah if they was over my home I damn sure would! My boyfriend saw them, he had witness to it, he's not into the YouTube stuff, at all! But a very smart man, I shown him what I saw three weeks ago, flying really low over highway 19 in grapeland TX, Houston county, it looked big, I thought a jet was crashing, then the direction the drone plane went DPS was sitting, on a FM road, so does the state of TX have drones? Flying over us? -Twisterbar UPDATE: watch a video of the South Texas fireball. "Every color of the rainbow has been reported with orange and yellow being most mentioned ... may be the re-entry of a Chinese rocket" ![]() AMSMeteors.com
I counted eight meteor looking small fireballs streaking in formation right to left from a 123 degree angle, for about 2 minutes. 3 of the meteors or comets exploded the other eight kept a perfect formation. I never witnessed such a moment at 3am central time 2/27/13 I was jogging in Sweeny, Tx on 1108 early st. 77480, looking from north to south, they appeared from a southerly direction and lasted about 2 min. heading and dissapearing in a northerly direction. - Lester D. of Sweeny, TX And a UFO sighting out of Baytown submitted to MUFON which was clearly of this same phenomenon: I woke up at approx 3.00am, used the restroom and was looking out of a large window which has a view of Cotton Lake and beyond to Trinity Bay in Chambers county, I noticed lights approaching over the lake from the southeast. The lights 10 to 20 were configured in a cigar shaped line, moving rapidly, heading in a northwest direction. At first I thought it may be a group of helicopters, we often see helicopters doing night maneuvers in this area. As the lights got closer I realized that they were not helicopter or aircraft lights. The lights were white/blue and varied continously in intensity and position in the line, it was hard to judge how far away the object or objects were from me, there was no sound associated.I last saw the lights as they pasted on the northeast side of my home. I wondered if I was seeing a meteor shower, but the sighting lasted about 30 seconds and was not moving as rapidly as I would expect for meteor, it also appeared to be close As suggested by another witness to this event (read quotes above), someone chimed in on an astronomy group forum at Yahoo with his interpretation of the event: I suspect that this fireball was the re-entry of the Chinese CZ-4B rocket that launched Yaogan 14 on May 10 last year. This has a NORAD catalog ID of 38259 and an international designation of 2012-021C. The latest TIP message on Spacetrack (issued at 12:16 UTC) suggests that this decayed just after crossing the equator northbound near 3degN Even more witness reports can be read at lunameteoritehunters.blogspot.com.
Could this be related to recent Houston UFO flap or meteor outbreak all over the world? Read a more recent blog theorizing about this sighting. |
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