"Seemed to be light streaming out from the sides" - Large, Bright Disc Hovers Over Texas Coast8/4/2017
Just off the Texas coast near Corpus Christi, a very large disc was photographed hovering in the night sky by a camper. Although the witness, who would like to go by the name of "Jellyfish," admits they weren't able to get a great photograph, in person they were able to observe great detail: i was camping on the beach at Mustang Island, which is a island very close to Corpis Christi, and it was about 5:00 am and i couldn't sleep, and the rain fly of my tent was open, and i saw an extremely bright light outside my tent. it was just hovering in the air what seemed like a few miles above me, but it was hard to tell in the dark. it seemed like it was pretty massive, but just far away. It was glowing really bright compared to any of the other stars, and my sibling, who saw it with me, thought at first that it was a planet, but it was larger than most planets Ive seen, and it was glowing very white, and there seemed to be light streaming out from the sides of the disc in an artificial fashion. the photo i attached is pretty bad because my stupid phone focused on the light and filtered out the shadow of the disk, but i attached it anyway.
Are you in the Mustang Island or Corpus Christi area right now? Did you see this UFO, too? Report your sighting!
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A teenager visiting the Texas coast was enjoying some nighttime star gazing when they noticed a ball of light emerge from the water and float over them. UFOs coming out of the water are probably more common than you think, and in fact this particular "marine" variety of UFOs are some of the most compelling. While the witness was not able to get the object on camera, they shared a drawing with their report (which has additional strange orb sightings as well). While the testimony is somewhat rambling at times (understandably!), it is amazingly detailed and amazing. Check out the drawing and description of the UFO: I was at the beach and it was dark out, probably around 1 at night. I had snuck out from our camp site and sat on one of the many benches that were close to the shoreline of the beach. It was quiet and peaceful. I could see the city lights in the far distance on either side of me. I could see what looked like lights from cars and buildings flickering and moving. But, 2 lights stuck out from the rest. The were closer, appeared to be actually on the beach. I assumed it was people walking around with flashlights on the beach. Apparently, the UFO matches a description of another UFO reported on the web and I am following up about that.
Another bizarre metal object was photographed floating over California recently, but I don't yet guess these sightings are related. In the meantime, if you saw a UFO come out of the water recently, or if you saw a UFO at all in the Corpus area recently!, report your sighting. |
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