Photo and testimony of a strange bright light that appeared as a boomerang when viewed through a camera has been uploaded to MUFON (case 91847): Saw bright light almost overhead. Used zoom lens app on cellphone to take photo, then zoomed in more spreading fingers on screen. Then took screenshot! To naked eye, it was a round, bright light. When zoomed, it was a boomerang.
Does this case join other recent triangle UFO sightings over Texas, or is this just a distorted photo? Share your theories below in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Spectacular security cam footage of a huge glowing light visiting a Dallas area home and dancing all about has hit MUFON. The witness saw the orb in real time on the camera but was too afraid to go out and investigate, implying this was something quite unusual for him to see. A reasonable explanation for videos like these - they are not uncommon - is a bug or gnat of some kind just checking out the scene and hovering around. The reason why we shouldn't brush this off, however, is there have been many sightings eerily identical to this that 100% cannot be debunked as "insects." Like this security cam footage from Ireland in 2011 that features a glowing orb that at first is as giant as a meteor. Or the time when an orb - again much too large to be a blurry insect - also haunted the backyard of a Chinese family. There truly is a phenomenon of seemingly intelligent balls of lights that are not visible to the naked eye, or at least don't want to be. We see these UFOs like these flying about in the sky, in and out of volcanoes, lurking about neighborhoods, you name it. The image of a glowing orb of light really is the new Flying Saucer, it's the most common type of UFO we see these days. Here are some screenshots from the recent North Richland Hills footage: Here is the orb again a night later, but at one point it actually shrinks in size and seems to attach to a string or cobweb of some sort: Read the full witness description and watch Part 1 of the recording below, , fast forward to :30 and 1:39 in the YouTube video to catch most the action (here's Part 2): i get home at 11;14 pm at October the 17 2014 and i sow my cameras monitors on so i was ready to turn it off before this happens i sow this light moving at the back of my truck and then i wake my wife and we start looking at it at i get kind of afraid i start thinking bad things as you see on TV i keep looking until the sphere goes away at the next morning i start checking the DVR and i discover that the sphere it record for about one hour and a half i send some of the video and you are welcome to ask me any question or analyze it you got all my information you can contact me at any time What do you think? A bug that only looks mysterious because the camera can't interpret it? Or is this another piece of evidence that ghost-like energies do live among us? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page!
And of course if you've seen anything like this in Texas recently, report your sighting!
A few reports have just now hit MUFON and there's a chance they're related. In Houston, a selfie turned into a great photo of several UFOs: However, the UFOs were not noticed at the time the picture was taken, implying they were traveling at incredible speeds. Or perhaps they are just balloons. Or some sort of strange digital artifact? You can read the full secondhand account right here: Friend was working at event where he took a selfie and he accidently captured a fleet of ufos streaking by possibly at light speed unseen by the human eye. What gives this photo some power is a drive-by comment attempting to discredit the sighting: "What a load of crap. You are so special dude. Your life is now complete." This is the kind of irrational spam that often attacks more legitimate UFO events. But of course that does not mean anything by itself. What also gives this photo a little more power is the very same day, but in North Richland Hills (Dallas area), someone spotted a collection of objects zooming through the sky and making a high-pitched lawn mower like sound. They were apparently red and green, however - not black like in the picture above. This story also received a comment - "drone"! Comments aren't terribly common for MUFON reports collected on and typically only show up when a sighting has reached a lot of popularity, can be verified by others, or is being undermined by suspicious "debunker" types. "Drone" does not seem to fit the bill at all for this sighting, making the comment even stranger. Here is the drawing and the testimony from the Dallas area witness: I was standing beside a chair I was sitting at previously outside a little after midnight, when I heard a sound of a lawn mower, but at a higher pitch, which seemingly came from the sky above me. I scanned the sky, and seconds later the object came into view. The lights were in A star-like formation, a green light positioned at the front and five other red lights positioned like a five pointed star. It moved in a direct and stable straight-line, never changing course or stopping abruptly. It was unknown to me, as I had seen many planes that night that looked nothing of it, and the distance to the ground comparative to a plane seemed to be a few thousand feet. The lights appeared to be brighter and larger than that of a plane, which may be relative to the distance to the ground. I saw it for what seemed to be about ten seconds maximum, before it was behind a neighboring tree, I quickly walked to the side to catch a better view of, but it had disappeared. I wasn't necessarily frightened, more intrigued, but very unsure of what I may have seen. Just recently in the Dallas area, a separate witness also heard (and recorded) strange high-pitched screaming sounds that seemed to emanate from the sky. You can read more about that story here. Could all these events be related? Do you have anything to add to the story? Report your recent Texas UFO experience, comment with your theories, or join in the conversation on the TUS Facebook page. View June 2 weirdness in a larger map ![]()
A Dallas area resident, as well as his wife and others, heard a loud boom outside, and then saw three distinct lights in the sky, blinking like a satellite or aircraft would, but certainly not moving like a satellite or aircraft. Each hovers in the sky for several minutes at a time, and then very slowly moves about the sky. The witness apparently captured the lights forming a triangle in the video, but I couldn't quite make it out. The UFO report submitted to MUFON is very impassioned - this witness seems to think they've got footage of something otherworldly, which spooks them out a little, as they've had reoccuring dreams of seeing strange lights in the sky for a while now. These don't strike me as drones, so I'm a little bewildered at what could be moving around the sky so sluggishly? And could the loud boom the witnesses heard be related? Ideas? You can read the full MUFON report, as well as watch the two videos - which feature maps that show the different vantage points - below. I've included the YouTube links tied to a popular UFO site, but they were originally uploaded here. UFO/orbs/triangle formation witnessed hovering for a period of over an hour. After hearing a loud boom I rushed outside to investigate. (not claiming boom was related, but very ironic timing if its not related) Directly in my line of vision after walking out front was the UFO, essentially commanding my attention. (not in an overly telepathic way or anything like that). I have had reoccurring dreams for many years about seeing lights in the sky from the same vantage point, so I think that helped to command my attention to it more than anything else. I continued to tell myself it was a star, or drone, but the more I observed it, and the more others around me observed it, it became quickly apparent that it was neither of those things. I still kept telling myself it was a drone until I reviewed the footage. It wasnt until a couple days later that I discovered the formation, triangle pattern, and coordinated maneuver while editing the footage. That was when the full truth finally sunk in. I have at least 5 witnesses, and 3 vantage points of video footage to back me up. My wife and I even viewed the object through binoculars and clearly saw the strange light patterns through the binoculars as well. These lights were nearly impossible to see from the well lit streets just outside of the neighborhood, and has shown me how easily these types of things can be going on right under our noses without our knowledge. Even while witnessing these objects in person, I didnt fully see or comprehend the multiple objects in formation. As it was happening, I told myself that the 2nd object was just a star that had been there the whole time. After viewing the footage, this clearly was not true. We eventually lost sight of the objects after driving for a better vantage point. Here's the first video: And the second video, with a little more context: |
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