A report of a "huge flaming disc falling rapidly" over West Texas back in 2014 has been submitted to MUFON (case 118559). The UFO was apparently "as large as a commercial airliner" and although it appeared to crash, it made no sound during its descent or after it disappeared from view: Flaming disc fell then disappeared very close up. No photos or videos were taken of this UFO, but it's worth noting that November 2014 was an extremely active month for UFOs in Texas. There were flying saucers reported, crashing fireballs reported, you name it...! And while there may be a non-alien explanation for some of these sightings (for example, a meteor), for many of them, we are still left wondering... even seven years later!
9:51 PM update: Story updated with correct video. A Texas couple witnessed and filmed some strange lights or crafts or chemicals(?) over Ozona, Texas and sent the footage and testimony to MUFON. The experience was an incredible one for the couple, as you can tell in their written description and in the audio of the video. Check it out: My wife and I were driving north bound on hwy 137 between Ozona and Big Lake Tx. We noticed these interesting cloud formations to our west. There was a thunderstorm approximately 20-30 miles ahead of us. In the cloud formation there was a gap of blue sky being slowly surrounded, and in the center was hovering a single white/bright oval object. As I showed my wife, the object disappeared. A few seconds later it reappeared still hovering as white line/cigar shaped object, then darted south behind a cloud. Next it came out of the cloud with another white/bright line/cigar shaped object. Both objects where heading south. The second object changed from cigar-shaped to circular. Then another object appeared as a fireball or asteroid shaped object with a trail of flames. In an instant it stopped its path. At the same time the first object seemed to change into an oval shape. Now all three objects appeared oval shaped. They stopped as if to communicate and the first and third object headed north/northwest. The second traveled south/southeast as it changed back into a line/cigar shape. It appeared to get larger and larger as if it was getting closer and closer to us. It's outline was fuzzy almost hazy and then it disappeared. The other two remained oval and then ducked behind the thunderstorm ahead. We noticed later that the gas gauge wasn't to empty and the check engine light was on. My wife stated that her face felt hot. We both felt excited and anxious. The experience was like nothing we've ever seen before. And we both feel like it was definitely something out of the norm.
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