Way up in North Texas, right by the Texas/Kansas border, a star gazer spotted a pretty interesting sight: a very large, wavy, gray streak of light that traveled for a little bit until abruptly disappearing. This doesn't seem like a meteor, as there was no tail or sound and of course the color isn't right. Here's a photo of the event: And the full witness testimony, submitted to MUFON: While standing in the street in front of the house, I observed a streak of light in the sky traveling W to SW. The streak seemed to be at least 10 miles away. There was no sound associated with the light. I was able to get my phone out and take a picture of the streak across the sky. It was visible for about 15 seconds. The streak disappeared immediately, there was no fading of the streak. Included with this report are two photos. The first is the original, showing the streak, and two stars, Pollux and Castor, in the western sky. The second photo is the same photo with the stars identified and circled with Paint Shop Pro. No other alterations were made to either photo. The location of the prominent stars and the time of evening will accurately show the location of the light streak.
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