A man discusses two nighttime events in the same location near Plainview, Texas. Sounds were described as being like tires on sticky asphalt or like tires slowly crunching over gravel, with a heat-wave type visual distortion and abnormal feelings of fear and feeling unwelcome. The entity was named "Rubel".
Do you live in Plainview? Have you ever seen a UFO or alien? Report your sighting!
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A group of three bright white lights gathering themselves into a triangle formation and then breaking formation and gradually fading away one by one has hit YouTube. Along with it comes a very detailed and suspenseful testimony --- these do appear to be orbs traveling in an intelligent manner and they join a chorus of other triangle sightings from this past year. In the 6 minute-ish video, you can hear at least two people - a man and a woman - excitedly discussing the perplexing event happening in front of them. Screenshot #1: Screenshot #2: Check out the full video: ...and the YouTube description: Me and a friend of mine recorded this video March 9 2014 . It was at sunset in Hale County Texas . We were standing facing West in the middle of a cotton field 50 miles outside any actual town when we noticed an object hovering up in the sky West. As we began to decide which way was North looking for the North Star we noticed a second object coming straight toward us in the sky coming from the West in the distance faster than any plane moves. By the time we pulled our cameras out to start recording, it had already made its way to the first object hovering in the sky. As we began to record the two visable objects , a third object came from the west to join the other two obects in the sky. Once the third object met with the other two it began forming a symmetrical triangle in the sky. Then we noticed it began to hold its formation for several seconds in a symmetrical triangle . As we watched the third object appeared to began to cross paths with the first object that was hovering , the object that we first noticed hovering in the West sky , hovered off west and disapeared leaving the two other objects hovering back West but in opposite directions they appeared to come from . During this time we had seen what appeared to be multiple streaks of flaming , shooting stars in the sky , falling from what appeared to be space like shooting stars but a whole display in the west sky I want to say 8 or more which was not captured in video feed... I also noticed something that most people wouldnt believe but WHAT I KNOW IS THERE. If you can verify this sighting, report your experiences with this UFO or feel free to get in touch with the witness himself, [email protected].
I can't vouch for his claims that he has captured a "mothership" in this recording and in fact, I can't be sure the person who wrote the YouTube description is the actual witness. |
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