I'm not sure what's going on, but folks all over Central Texas have been seeing, photographing, and filming a set of two objects seemingly attached to each other, but with great distance in between, hovering and moving through the sky. The latest of these comes out of Port Arthur, TX, specifically the Motiva Oil Refinery on or about October 1st, 2014: UFO TEXAS UNEXPLAINED TWO LIGHTS LOOKS LIKE THEY ARE PART OF THE SAME OBJECT IN SOUTH EAST TEXAS OFF OF HWY. 73 NEAR MOTIVA REFINERY. A few days before, on September 28th, a San Antonio resident spotted a similar phenomenon in their neighborhood and also uploaded footage to YouTube: And that's not all! Texas UFO Sightings received an anonymous report of a similar sighting out of Mansfiled on September 27th: very similar to the lead story photos on this website today of two crafts parallel to each other. (Ive never been to this sight, so power of suggestion doesn't apply). My girlfriend and I were alerted to go outside when our dogs went nuts at 4 am. we think these are also similar to the incidents in stephenville, tx. These objects are just too weird to explain at this hour, but PLEASE if anyone else in the area saw this let us know. These reports follow two other recent sightings of "objects in tandem" - Lakeway and Grand Prairie in September. Is there a giant craft making its way around Texas, or is this all a big coincidence? Share your ideas in the comments or on the Facebook page. If you can add to these reports, please do.
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