A witness to a green orb firing quickly yet silently through the sky shared their sighting with Texas UFO Sightings, and compared it to another story on the site about a "green orb" (perhaps this one from 2012?): It was like the headline, a green orb. I work the night shift in Poth and was on my way back from my lunch break on 181 from my home in Floresville when, out of the corner of my eye and in my upper left windshield, I noticed a big green glowing orb seeming to go a bit faster than i was driving. I was going about 70 and when I first saw it a flame appeared to come from the back end but then quickly vanished and was being propelled forward as if under its own power. I was a bit startled so I kept control of my vehicle and followed it for as long as I could which was about five to ten seconds. I truly have no idea what this object could have been but it made no noise as it traveled and it seemed to be traveling in a specific direction not dropping or rising in elevation even slightly. I am skeptical and open for anybodies interpretation or explanation as I am not an expert on how meteors and meteorites burn and travel once through the atmosphere. Anyone who has had a similar sighting could possibly provide further insight on the matter. It could have been a meteor, a secret military ship, a missile, aliens it's up for you to decide but this was truly the definition of a UFO. An unidentified flying object. As the witness even suggests, this very well could have been a meteor - but its linear, speedy, quiet path definitely makes one wonder. Have you seen anything like this in Texas recently? Report it!
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