Clear, daytime video showing UFOs over Texas has been submitted to MUFON (case 114462) along with brief testimony from the witness: Swarm Of Glowing Orbs Disappeared & Reappeared Repeatedly This case is similar to another one nearby in Fort Worth, but from a week or so earlier (March 19th at 3 AM). A witness wrote into MUFON (case 114261) about seeing UFOs that looked like "stars moving erratically almost like dancing."
Is it possible these cases are related? Or is it possible that these weren't UFOs at all, but just something like... birds? Just flying to and from the camera, or at an angle that made them "appear" to disappear? Another theory I have is that these UFOs were really just pieces of trash or debris, swirling in the wind. Let me know your thoughts and theories in the comments below. And if you also saw these UFOs over Texas, report your sighting so we can solve this mystery!
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Couple watched as two green, tear-shaped objects hovered in the night sky and then made a bee line for their home, hovered again, and then started glowing with a pink red color. The wife was afraid and wanted to go inside, but before they headed into the house, the UFOs turned green again and shot back up into space with a flash. Wow, wish we could have seen that! Here's the full report, submitted to MUFON: Factors Unknown Sighting Details May 5th 2013 my wife and I stepped outside for a smoke as we where sitting there smoking and look at the night sky I noticed two objects which at first look I thought where stars but it seemed odd I've never noticed then before and they was really close to each other . As we watched the objects we noticed the began to move in a straigh line one behind the other both putting off a bright green glow as they move to the north from the south as the objects. Where almost directly above us they stopped in midflight and began to omit a pinkish red glow for what seemed to be a matter of one minuet by this time my wife is scared pulling me by the arm to come inside as we both still had are eyes locked on the two tear shaped objects after watching for a little while longer the objects went back to green and shot straight up and where out of side with in a flash |
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