A Texas UFO Sightings reader submitted an account of several orange lights, seemingly flying up from the ground, and darting around and making formations: There was several about 10 that darted from the plant (factory) behind our home. It was about 1:30 pm and I was lying in bed when I saw 2 objects moving very quickly in the sky. Got up looked through my window and the we're coming from the left side of the plant. They move up by two's then moved forward. My husband thought they were planes but there were no noise and they were bright orange moving in unison very fast through the skies. We watch as about 10 rose up in twos moving very fast. There were no flickering lights. One rose up dated right and disappear instantly. We try to video but neither of our phones worked. We watched a little longer one lone light arose darted right then disappear. What was interesting was they caught up with each other. The object appeared to be triangular, I thought they were jets but they were silent moving two quickly. We went back where we thought we saw them but there are only large fields and some houses no runway. What was different with these objects was they appeared to rise up from the ground and hovered then moved forward. There is a huge plant of some sort behind River run in Rosenberg Tx. This is a new development area. These objects were coming from the far right of that plant. This is a very similar testimony to one I received from the Fredericksburg area about a week prior. Could these sightings be related? If you've seen lights like these in the sky, and you don't think they are Chinese lanterns or something else explained, report your sighting!
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