A Round Rock resident saw a light speeding around very high up in the sky and was able to snap a picture of it, and share with TUS: saw a flying sphere way above an airplane and was going super fast. Was red then stopped, went back and turned green and purple. I lost it for a second then it came back and it was blue. Caught the blue. Did you see this object as well? Sounds like it was way too high to be a drone, but you never know. If you can verify this sighting, please share your encounter!
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A curious photo was submitted to the Texas UFO Sightings Facebook page by Valarie Waldo. While driving, she spotted a bright almost cigar-shaped light just hovering there, though it did dim after about 15 minutes: never been on this site before and not really a ufo kinda person haha, but was just curious to find out if anyone knew what the bright light in the sky was tonight. This picture was taken in Pflugerville TX near Austin facing west. Was hard to get a pic while driving, but it did not appear to be moving...at first we thought it was a jet reflecting with the sunset. Looked too big to even be a planet but maybe. I am not educated on what is currently brightest. I do think whatever it was was reflecting off the sun because although it was still visible it did get less firelike in the 15 minutes we watched it. Was hard to tell if it was actually moving but it did kind of seem lower on the horizon as the sun set and we could not see it from our house when we got home. What meteor just hovers? What satellite or star is that bright? If you saw this UFO as well, report it!
Thanksgiving ushered in a new wave of UFO sightings that I'm having trouble keeping on top of! Seriously, I have like 50 reports in the queue, and probably half have great photos and videos to go with them. Seriously! One of the latest reports to hit MUFON details a sighting of an orange orb, noticed by a star gazer after they were viewing Venus through their telescope. The video doesn't really conclude anything because it could easily be debunked as a star or satellite or even solitary Chinese lantern. However, a friend of the witness spotted something similar the other day - on December 12th - and shared their photo. Are these objects the same thing? Apparently, the town where these objects were caught on camera is full of other witnesses of similar orbs. Check out photos of the November 28th and December 12th orbs right here: Here's a photo of ANOTHER December 12th orb (or craft), reported to have chased a driver on the road in Temple... it looks awfully similar to the photos above: And here's video of the original orange orb that was spotted on the 28th: At last, here's the full MUFON report of the Thanksgiving night sight: On thanksgiving night (11-28-13) around 8 I was looking at Venus through my telescope in my yard, my house was directly behind me. I started viewing Venus when it was at the south-eastern sky and continued to view it till it got to the northeast sky. At that time, around 8:50 or 9:15 I got tired of looking at Venus and turned around, 180 degrees, and pointed my telescope to Jupiter when I noticed the orb. It was impossible for me not to notice it once I had turned around because it was hovering about 2 yards from my rooftop and about 5 yards from me physically. At first i thought it was a paper ballon or some sort of paper that caught on fire and the wind had lifted it up off the ground but after further inspection it looked like a stationary flame and I was immediately blown. I wanted to yell for my dad to come take a look but I knew it was a once in a life time situation so I pulled out my iPhone trying as best to resist the urge of excited. In fact I was so shocked that I thought I was taking Video but realized it was only on the camera so I snapped a picture and switched to video. Right after I snapped the picture the stationary flame turned into a perfect sphere and began moving towards the north. It moved slowly, as it moved towards the north it elevated to the tree-top hight and continued it's path towards the north. Meanwhile my dogs were going haywire-barking from the bottoms of their lungs. As I tried running to the top of my door steps I lost sight of the orb over the rest of the trees. I ran inside and began yelling excitingly, showing my family the picture and video, until there was an eerie atmosphere in the kitchen. No one Believed me so I just put it off and ha dinner with my family. Two weeks later, today (12-12-13), my neighbor snapped a photograph of a similar colored orb moving across his farm. I decided to post these photos online and a flood of people around my town began confessing to seeing a same color orb...each sighting occurred on a Thursday and all sighting in rural areas. Did you see this orb or something like it in Texas recently? Please let TUS know!
A couple in Round Rock were visited by a star-like object with erratic movements in the sky - definitely not a satellite or helicopter. During the sighting - the UFO was visible through a skylight in their home - their baby monitor picked up some eerie static and at one point "sounded like a vocalization." This was quite a startling experience for me to read, as I had a dream the other day about my own baby monitor picking up strange voices! Here's the full UFO report, kindly submitted to TUS: Approximately 2:30am during a restless night due to my sick daughter, I was lying on my couch downstairs when an object in the sky, viewable outside my skylight, caught my eye. I figured at first that it was a bright star. Then I noticed slow movement. Naturally, the rational thought that came to my head was Satellite. That's when things got strange.
The terrifying UFO and alien encounter a Cedar Park resident had was captured in a MUFON report, which we just blogged about. It was worth creating a follow-up post, however, as it appears some symbols featured in his drawing of the spaceship he witnessed are from Star Wars languages (which there are at least 6 million of, read more about them here). To me, this could mean a few things:
. In A New Hope, for instance, the language spoken by the character Greedo in conversation with Han Solo (in the cantina) is actually a simplified version of Quechua, an indigenous language of the Andean region of South America. Here's the photo and a Star Wars sample of "letters":
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