A Texas UFO Sightings reader has been seeing all kinds of weird lights and even crafts in the area that she lives in. Stacy Haag sent testimony of these ongoing sightings, along with a photograph of one of the UFOs she's spotted, a crescent-shaped glowing object that appears to be traveling: I have hundreds of pictures I have taken since last year, many of them at night a few just before sunset. Some are from in my back yard; they are very defined orbs (one blueish purple, one red, one whitish pink and one green). An interesting thing to the green one is a friend of mine has taken several pictures as well here in Oregon, in 3 of them she captures a green orb too. There was a day in June 2014 approximately 1:00 pm that my mother and I was driving down country club drive; I looked up and just on the edge of McKinney (east side) there was a ufo plain as the nose on your face. It was stationary hovering approx. 1000 feet up; it was a very shiny silver, triangle shaped and approx. 3 blocks wide. As I watched, it turned to the north and flew away, it was out of sight in a matter of seconds. The witness claims to have hundreds of photos and believes anyone in the area will see something if they keep their eyes to the sky. Have you seen these UFOs, too? Share your sighting!
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