Just like the triangles, we may be seeing a new wave of UFOs... this time, rectangles! Whatever you want to call them, I've been covering some cases lately in Texas of these craft. Here are a few of the latest... "Rectangular Shaped Object in the sky" over Silsbee, Texas on March 14th, 2020 at 9 PM: Me and my co worker just saw the craziest thing in the sky... It was shaped like an elongated rectangle... Had one solid red light 2 solid white lights and 3 strobe lights. It was too big to be a drone.. It made no noise and it wasn't an airplane and definitely was not a helicopter... It maneuvered in some very smooth motions unlike a plane as well... It flew off then came back.. Flew off again and haven't seen it since.. Hoping it comes back to get video. "White shining rectangle" over Houston on February 22nd, 2020 at 6:46 PM: "MM" sent in the photo above and also wrote to Texas UFO Sightings -
3/8 Update: You've chimed in, and the best guess so far is it's a pair of birds. Can't be sure, but birds would probably be flying with a pretty consistent distance between them, so that makes sense! We've got a pretty neat "accidental" sighting to share today. A video editor was going through some footage and noticed something peculiar. Just 10 seconds after a normal, "identified" plane flies by, "two white dots" show up and move slowly through the sky (about as quickly as the plane). The orbs maintain the same distance between each other the entire time, and aren't going especially fast. Those qualities make me wonder if it's something that could be easily explained - but at the same time, it also has baffled me. What sort of craft could this be?? If you use the plane as a reference, this object is either gigantic or really close (which wouldn't make sense either). Ideas? Here's the video - look out for the white dots at the 15 second mark! Here's the video description: I was editing a video shot for Lamar Institute of Technology up in Silsbee, TX and thought, oh cool, I got an airplane flying through my shot. Ten seconds later I see these two white dots fly across the other side of the screen. No idea what those are. |
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