One of the more common UFO phenomenons is the sight of stars moving - sometimes it's satellites, sometimes its meteors, sometimes it's just an optical illusion. But sometimes... well... sometimes it's just UFOs. Makes you wonder if we are sometimes witness to space battles... Star Wars-style. Just the other day, Texas UFO Sightings shared a report from a witness in Paris, Texas who saw a "moving constellation." Well, we've got a few more to add to the pool - Another Texan (in Spicewood) saw the same thing on the same night, and then a few nights later, a family saw some similar UFOs in San Antonio, though more activity was reported. Read the interesting sightings kindly submitted to the site: Comment from Spicewood, TX: I saw it as well. I live in Spicewood. I saw it around 11pm. Traveling slowly west. At one point looked like a small orb came out and then reacted itself to the main lights. I was looking at it through my telescope and the lights were really brilliant. Funny thing is this makes my fourth ufo sighting this year, but this one was the most compelling
Report from Encino Park in San Antonio on March 14th at 9 PM (submitted by Greg):
my wife, 8 yr old son, and me were outside sky watching around 9pm on listed date. We've seen lots of cool stuff in the skies before. Tonight, star-like objects flying around. They tend to kind of bounce around and skip across the sky. Then stop on a dime and change directions. Very exciting to watch! Sometimes, like tonight, there was one that flashed twice. A really really bright kind of diamond shape light. Now keep in mind that this all appears to be atmospheric. Because all the while you'll see planes flying their paths to and from the airport. And the planes are considerably lower altitudes than the ufo's. My son asked me, "why doesnt more people see them?" Answer- "a lot do. But mostly, people arent watching." We see them alot. We've thought about filming but it always happens spur of the moment.
Have you seen stars... that are not stars? Report your sighting!
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While this sighting occurred a while back, it was only just submitted to MUFON, and is worth revisiting. A resident of Spicewood was sitting on their deck when they noticed a group of UFOs, the same UFOs they've seen before, the UFOs that inspired them to buy binoculars. Then it got wild. All in all, dozens of orbs were spotted, changing colors, moving around and also hovering. They were so bright, they lit up the trees. Read the full, riveting report here: I was outside on my deck. The house is situated on the edge of a cliff, atop a drying river bed. I saw a pulsing, multicolored light in the sky across the river. I see these same lights every night, and recently bought binoculars because of it. Anytime I try to get a closer look, they are always too far away to really see what they are. Last night when I looked through the binoculars, they were close enough to make out the detail. I saw the first one, and through the binoculars, you could see that it was stationary. It was perfectly round. It had black specs all over it, and was pulsing with light from the inside. The color would change every time it pulsed. I took the binoculars away from my eyes, and scanned the rest of the sky. I noticed another one on the far left side of the sky, and it was moving. I looked through the binoculars, to make sure it wasn't a plane. It was the exact same thing as the other one, only brighter and moving. It moved fast enough to cross the entire sky in about 10-15 seconds, but slow enough for me to follow it looking through the binoculars. It flew right by the stationary one, very close. As I was watching that, I noticed about 8 others in the background. They were solid white, much dimmer, stationary and not pulsing. I continued to observe them, then stepped inside for a moment. When I walked back outside, they were not in the sky at all. I saw a very bright, white light across the river. I thought maybe it was a car driving through the gated, yet very country community across the river. I watched it for a moment and it didn't move and it was so bright. So I looked through the binoculars, and to my amazement and horror, it was one of those things I had just seen in the sky. It was very large and very bright. It had black specs all over it and was lighting up the trees with its glowing. It looked like a star, radiating light like the sun. It looked like a giant ball of white, glowing energy with black specs all over it. I woke my husband up to be a witness to it. We could see groups of trees around it lighting up with, what appeared to be smaller glowing orbs beneath the treeline (much smaller ones). Once my husband got a good look at the big one through the binoculars, it's light shut off. We could no longer see it, but the other groups of trees continued to stay lit up for a while. They gradually dimmed out as well. The experience was exhilerating, but actually terrifying as well. I was texting the whole time to my friend in Houston, and that's why I know the exact time of everything. Even though I was using my phone, I didn't think to take a picture. Although, my phone isn't a very good one and I don't know that anyone would have been able to see anything in a picture from it. I was simply terrified. I was shaking and didn't think about anything except what I was looking at, along with telling someone. I do see these lights at some distance, every night. So, I plan to set myself up with a telescope and good camera for future evidence. I felt a sense of duty to let someone know what I saw. It did not look like it was of this world. I'm hoping for answers or validation. They had no sound that I could hear, but while inside, my dog sensed their presence. |
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