A resident near Stephenville (famous for its UFO sightings, which persist to this day) has been seeing UFOs for quite some time now, and has snapped several photos since the 1990s. Most recently, he saw a large glowing round object with a fiery tail, which vanished without a sound. Check out the photos and testimony, submitted to MUFON: Came out of my house to look for a strange display in the sky which comes in early every morning. This display consists of what seems to be five stars. Three in the center with top one slightly off center to the left. Two outer ones parallel one to other, positioned between top and second center ones. Comes in from the east and stops. Strange thing, display does not travel across the sky as earth rotates. Instead, it remains stationary, then as dawn occurs, the display appears to travel upwards into outer space. There is an underground Lockheed base about two miles from my house. I'm certain all activity here has a lot to do with that base. I was looking around for other activity when I saw the sphere with a long fiery tail. It only lasted about two seconds then vanished. No sound. I've seen several spheres in past years, one I caught on film. Since 1993, I have photographed several ufo's around Morgan. All at night except for one I caught at sunset, you can actually see the cockpit window. It made no sound, as none do and was not visible to the naked eye. I've seen so many here, that I've become bored with them. This mornings sphere, seemed to be coming out of another dimension into ours. It did not come from outer space! Wrong angel for that to occur. Didn't get a photo of this sphere, but I do have others I'd like to submit, especially the sunset one. I have the negatives. What do you think these strange lights are? Military activity? Camera distortion? Aliens? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page.
Okay, guys... we are in peak UFO season it appears. And I'm not going to lie --- we always see an uptick in activity during spring!!!! But anyhow, we've got an anonymous testimony submitted to Texas UFO Sightings that details a pretty amazing light show, very similar to the recent mass sightings in Stephenville (which is close to this location) and other parts of Texas: we had five witnesses and were so thrilled by the light show we had been getting we didn't take any pictures or video. The lights were bright yellow and would come up at first on pairs of two eventually we saw a line of about 10 yellow lights seeming to make a circular shape around an object it all lasted about 20 minutes. maybe I will see it again tomorrow night Have you been lucky enough to see one of these light shows or one of the large crafts the Lone Star State has been experiencing over then past month? Share your sighting!
Remember the Stephenville lights that appear to have popped up again? And the other account of similar lights in the sky, on the same night, but in the Dallas area? Well, we've got another eerily familiar sighting like that, which happened on the same night but in a different part of the state: Texas UFO Sightings received a second hand account of a UFO sighting, which was apparently a mass sighting. Luckily, the primary witness was able to capture it all on camera and upload the footage to YouTube - but apparently the camera was really distorting. You can listen to the witness describe how creepy the discrepancy is. Check out the photo, report, and of course the video. The photo depicts a colorful, vibrating light bending around the night sky, while the video shows an orb vibrating and then seemingly being joined by a new small light, flying with them in tandem: Angela C saw mysterious lights in the sky. I zoomed all the way in for her but she has the original plus two videos. This happened on Huffman, TX and she has people on her Facebook saying they saw the same thing that night! Are you one of the Texans who witnessed this light? ... or these lights? Have you seen a UFO of any kind, any where in Texas recently? Report your sighting!
3/14 Update: This may have been part of a mass sighting crossing many Texas towns. Strange lights resembling the famous Stephenville lights showed up over the town of May (which happens to be near Stephenville), and two family members in different parts of May were witness and fortunately one of them submitted a report to Texas UFO Sightings. This must have been huge! Check out the photo (and compare it to the Stephenville one) and then read description of the event, graciously submitted by John G: My son in law texted me and told me to look to the south. There was colored lights stationary in the night sky. I grabbed my binoculars and had trouble focusing. I kept seeing a double white light. I ran and got my Nikon Coolpix and zoomed in as far as I could and started taking pictures. I was rather surprised to see what came out. These lights are identical to the famous Stephenville, TX lights of 2000 that are on youtube. We just happen to be 60 miles SW of Stephenville. It was about 7:30-7:45pm, I have 5 pics total I will try to find the other photos and get more details, but in the meantime, if you saw this phenomenon as well, report your sighting!
A video showing an orange light hovering in the sky has hit YouTube. The video alone could easily portray a star, the ISS, or even a light on a pole. However, the witness description gives us more to consider: This is NOT a plane, star, ISS, helicopter, or light. This craft was a lot closer than the cell footage portrays and was even closer before I could record as I had to clear a peak for clear view. Did you see any strange objects like this in the Stephenville area? Report your sighting.
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