Great footage showing bright solid blue orbs of light hovering and disappearing and reappearing, along with some strange isolated spots of thunder and lightning, has been uploaded by the witness to YouTube. Here's a screenshot of one of the orbs that is the easiest to see on video:
Here are a few screenshots that show some of the lightning occurring in the area:
Although only one orb can be clearly seen in the video, the witness describes on camera seeing multiple orbs just like it, some even moving.
Perhaps this witness has simply filmed planes or drones flying through a typical Texas thunderstorm (the isolated pockets of thunder and lightning are not, by themselves, paranormal or super mysterious). Or are these blue orbs something far more mysterious, perhaps even a result of the storm itself, like "ball lightning," or as the witness suggests, ETs harnessing the power of the storm's electrical energy to charge up their spacecrafts? Share your ideas below in the comments! While you're here, also be sure to check out:
A Galveston resident snapping photos of a storm was surprised to notice a UFO, in fact a disc-shaped object flying very speedily through the clouds. Could this just be a bird, as one person suggested in the YouTube comments, or is this something more exotic? The witness claims to have taken many photographs of storms and has never encountered anything like this before: Doing edits I ran into this, any ideas?
A group of people going night fishing under the JFK Causeway in Corpus Christi were shocked to see bight explosions of light in the distance, which went on for quite some time (the witness began filming the :22 video after the event started). The witnesses can be heard on camera saying that there's "no way it's a transformer (exploding)," but until we get more information about this event, it will be hard to rule any explanation out. Lightning storms have caused transformers to explode in Texas recently (like in Everman on May 26th), but so far TexasUFOs cannot find any reports of this happening in Corpus. If the witnesses are correct and this was not a transformer exploding, what could it be? Check out the video and witness description below: Group of 20 people and I were fishing underneath the JFK Causeway in Corpus Christi Texas on May 19 the 2016 suddenly the sky began to fill with brilliant bright colors almost like a strobe light before anyone could realize what was going on and everyone was looking around in disbelief it's began to happen again right in plain eyesight. While everyone was standing around asking him screaming what is going on I am immediately called out my camera and this is the footage that I was able to capture don't try to tell me it's a transformer blowing up because of a transformer blew up it would only happen one time and this is also the same cover-up story our media as used in previous occasions
Compare this YouTube video of one of a confirmed transformer explosion that occurred in Texas a year ago. Do you think these videos show the same phenomenon? If so, the explosion in Corpus must have been way larger:
On an eerily related note, Texans have been reporting lots of weird lightning "activity" of late - for example, in Deer Park there was a mass sighting of UFOs that appeared right after a powerful lightning strike, and many parts of Texas were recently rocked with intense lightning storms, which local meteorologists have even called unusual.
If you live in Texas and have seen strange lightning activity in recent months, share your experience. Got ideas on what this is? Crazy lightning? Transformer exploding? Meteor impact?!? Share your opinions in the comments below or on the Facebook page. |
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