A MUFON report (I can confirm, as I saw it) filed by a field investigator was picked up by UFOSightingsDaily.com, but unfortunately has since been removed from the MUFON database. Fortunately, UFOSightingsDaily archived the report (case 81691). Check out photo and testimony featuring a silver metallic disc hovering and making strange movements in the daytime sky:
Did you see this object as well? Report your sighting!
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Updated 5/7, 12:59 PM Updates in red
On the night of April 30th, around 10 pm, many Texans witnessed all kinds of anomalies in the sky. In the Southwest corner of the state, people saw strange gold lights traveling and blinking on and off repeatedly. Meanwhile, in the Austin area, people saw a large dark, triangle-shaped craft. Finally, someone in Houston area also spotted some bright orange orbs and they were scared by them. Were these sightings related? Chinese lanterns possibly? A meteor shower? The Lyrid meteor shower should be long gone by now. What strikes me about this string of UFO encounters is many of the witnesses were shaken, and that's not really common! And how could so many UFOs be in the sky at the exact same date and time, yet so spread out across a big state like Texas? Here's a recap:
Did you see a UFO or set of UFOs on the night of April 30th? Do you live in Texas? Let me know! And a few good quotes from the string of mass UFO sightings: I live in knippa tx and saw exactly same thing I was in tears because I was so nervous words can't explain what it was! I am still shaken up - Knippa View April 30 2013 Texas UFO Sightings in a larger map On May 6th, an RV driver spotted an orange light moving very slowly toward San Antonio, and sometimes hovering. The object was estimated to be about 500 feet off the ground, measuring 70 to 80 feet in diameter. Here's the full witness testimony submitted to MUFON: Just after 10:30 PM while driving my RV northeast on Texas 97 between Floresville and Stockdale Texas, witness orange round light out my left window in the direction of San Antonio. I could not stop my vehicle on the road due to traffic but noticed the round light moving very slow at a height of 25 to 30 degrees off the ground and possibly in a north by northwest bound direction. As I approached the 87/97 intersection, the orange light seem to come to a stop north of 87. I estimate the light to be two to three miles from the intersection and southeast of the township of Sutherland Springs when I merged into 87-east bound; again, I could not stop due to the size of my RV. The orange light seems to be hovering between 400 to 500 feet AGL and maybe 70 to 80 feet in diameter. What's really cool is another pair of witnesses saw a very similar thing in San Antonio the same day!
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