Spooky sounds. Triangles. Meteor crash. And what the heck is going on in Tomball? (All kinds of activities in the Houston area, especially this town, this month.) Catch up on all the weirdness in the Texas sky for the month of May right here: ![]() May 2nd
May 3rd ![]()
May 4th
May 5th
May 6th
![]() May 9th
May 11th
May 12th
May 13th
May 14th ![]() May 15th
May 16th
May 17th
May 18th
May 19th
May 20th
May 21st May 22nd May 23rd
May 27th
![]() May 29th
May 30th
May 31
Remember the Eagle Ford oil field sightings? The Texas towns of Eagle Ford and Cotulla have seen ongoing UFO activity near oil drilling sites. There is a lot of rural land out here - ranches, etc - and so many UFOs get captured on deer cams and things like that. The latest sighting from nearby Tilden was shared in an anonymous secondhand report by a Texas UFO Sightings reader, the gate guards of a ranch saw a star-like object hover and disappear: The gate guards on our ranch witnessed a very strange object in the sky with very bright lights at 12:15 pm (during the daytime) on 5-17-2014 while standing outside. At first they thought it was a star, but then realized it was too close to be a star. It just stood still for a few minutes then quickly disappeared. We are located in the Eagle Ford, between Tilden and Cotulla, Tx. where much oil drilling activity is going on. Did you happen to see this as well? Report your sighting!
Recent UFO sightings in Cotulla, TX - specifically over oil fields (common pattern of UFOs!) - made headlines. A couple in Texas who lives about 35 miles from the site are now big believers that something strange for sure went down in Cotulla. Why? Their deer cam caught all kinds of strange objects flying through the air. Here are some of the photos and a description of what they might contain, all submitted to MUFON, photos listed from most recent to oldest: 3:34 PM on October 31st: Earlier that day, nothing: 8:24 PM, October 26th: 8:42 PM 10:27 PM, October 25th: Our sightings were captured in night camera photographing deer feeders. My husband was unbelieving of the Cotulla, Tx. sightings until he saw the objects in the sky in the night camera over our ranch, approx 35 miles from Cotulla. Photos spanned from Oct. 25 to Nov 1, 2013. Sighted at least 5 different shapes, all at night with lights glowing. There are 2 daytime sightings, one being a disc, the other being a muffin shaped. These were all in the sky and not lights from a land vehicle. We are located in the Eagle Ford Shale oilfields. Web cams can be misleading, so honestly these objects could really be anything. But they could also be Something, especially with all the legitimate UFO sightings that seem to have popped up in this neck of Texas recently. Did you see these objects in real time? Report it!
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