According to a recent MUFON report (case 119207), a classic triangle UFO was seen flying over Longview, Texas: Triangle shaped craft with 3 white lights forming the triangle and one red light directly in the center. Triangle UFOs are some of the most commonly reported UFOs in Texas, and this particular case seems to fit the description of so many other reports. Are all these cases related? If not, is it possible that some are man-made, and others are alien? Let me know your thoughts and theories on the triangles in the comments below, or on Facebook or Twitter!
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Two really amazing videos of UFOs over Texas have been uploaded to YouTube, and they are generating a ton of buzz! Both videos show what appears to be a triangular craft with multiple bright, solid lights, flying in the night sky - first in Corpus Christi, Texas, and then in Austin. Although these sightings may not be connected, if they are, there could be a man-made explanation: "drone swarm." That's because in Austin, the UFOs change formation and do not always appear as a triangle, but a square! Even if these are drones, though, they seem very advanced, and I'm still curious as to what their purpose was/is... Let me know your thoughts in the comments below, or on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. In the meantime, check out the detail for these UFO sightings below (which I'm still trying to learn more about):
Warning: Video contains foul language. Consider muting if that bothers you!
9/25/21 Update: As of today, this case is still unsolved! I have added an embedded video of the witness' video testimony here for easier viewing. Let me know if you catch any good clues or details that we can learn from: Original story:
In March of 2012, a San Antonio resident witnessed a humongous black triangle UFO hovering over the road. The witness claims to have seen UFOs on other occasions as well and suggests that UFOs can be summoned. Do you agree? As always, share your thoughts on this UFO sighting and more in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. MUFON case 99322: Video testimony:
9/24/21 Update: Back when I first reported on this sighting, the witness had followed up with more detail but for whatever reason, it never made it to this website! So, I'm posting today. Here goes. When I asked the witness if anything weird happened after the sighting, they said:
"So the first night I stopped filming because a strange man actually was hanging around my backyard and my dogs were barking like crazy - so I decided I would just hang inside for a couple hours and when I went back out later that night to let the dogs outside, the UFO was gone. I was very surprised to see it again the next night!! And it was out for 2-3+ hours. I wish I would have taken more photos and videos but honestly I just enjoyed sitting on my patio and viewing it. But I think I had mentioned this, the second night there was a second ‘UFO’ that was just a singular green light floating besides the white triangle lights. And there was a very definite membrane resembling a kite membrane that second night on the white triangle lights that I had not seen the previous night.
Original story:
Very clear footage of a triangle UFO over the Austin area was submitted to TexasUFOs, along with witness testimony, which you can check out below. Do you think this video shows an alien or top-secret military drone or spacecraft, or something much simpler like a toy drone or led kite? If you believe the video shows a drone, then how could it have been so quiet? As always, share your comments here or over on the YouTube channel, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! Seems as if it is hovering above the Oaks at Techridge Apartments. Been hovering for an hour and a half and still continuing. My first thoughts were is this either a UFO, drone, or a new type of child's kite? I happened see an identical occurrence here on this website back from 8 months ago in Nov 2017...this could very well be the same thing! I have another pretty good photo I can email. But I will attach the video.
A very familiar-sounding report of a triangle UFO has been submitted to MUFON (case 118094): I know what I saw and it lasted 2 seconds Although this witness wasn't quick enough to catch a photo or video, triangle UFOs are some of the most common type of UFO out there, and one I've documented steadily over the years.
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