A couple on the road spotted a collection of beautiful glowing lights silently gliding overhead, sometimes turning gray and speeding up. There were three groups of lights in total. Check out the photo and rad the full testimony, all submitted to MUFON, below: It was close to 9pm, we were driving and had just left our street and were stopped at a stopsign about to turn left onto Collingwood Ave when I looked right and saw these glowing orbs rising into view coming from the southeast. I exclaimed to my husband "LOOK what is that?!" He said "Jesus what is it?" We pointed the car in their direction and after a few seconds of watching these lights I told my husband to turn off the car and I stepped out to look and listen. There was no noise. The objects were passing over our heads they would fade and as some of them would turn to gray they'd speed up streaking past the slower moving orange ones. The first wave of these orbs was the largest. I believe the plane came into view on the second wave off to the left of the orbs and it followed them staying off to the left. There were three waves in total. They floated silently over our heads fading out and at least 3 of them sped past the others while turning gray. I thought they were flares or some strange fireworks at first since there seemed to be an event going on at either Retama or Verizon amphitheater that we has been hearing for a few hours but when I saw the plane I wasn't sure what I was. Neither my husband nor I have ever witnessed anything like it. The witness acknowledges that there was an event, which might have featured a fireworks or light show, going on nearby. However, the way the lights behaved, and the sudden appearance of a plane causes them to doubt this.
Do you think this couple witnessed a lovely display of celebratory Chinese lanterns or flares, caught up in the occasional wind? Or do you think they saw something else more... alien? Share your thoughts in the comments. This is not the first sighting to come out of Universal City of late. A black triangle UFO was witnessed in the area several days after this. Have you seen anything strange in the San Antonio area skies recently? Report it!
Sara B of Universal City, TX, and her grandmother, spotted a big star in the sky, except it wasn't a star at all - it suddenly turned into a "black triangle" and sped off. While the witness wasn't quite quick enough to get a photo, they were kind enough to submit testimony to Texas UFO Sightings: I saw a huge yellow star, thought maybe it was Venus. I tried taking a photo with my phone, but then it turned into a huge black triangle and took off. I then tried again to get a picture but I couldn't see it in my camera. It was strange, but exciting. My grandma saw it too, she asked 'What the hell was that?' my response 'I think it was a UFO'. I hope to see it again soon, then maybe I can send a picture to this website. Have you seen any funky looking stars or triangle crafts in Texas recently? (The latter has had quite the showing of late.) Report your sighting!
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