A Dallas area resident driving home noticed a bright white light hovering in the sky, and not moving for several minutes! They snapped a photo and sent it along with testimony to MUFON (case 13225). Cigar shaped objected observed stationary in while driving to work. Now, are we looking at a photo of an alien spaceship? Or is possible this witness just misidentified a jet that was flying very far away, and so only appeared to be stationary? Let me know what you think in the comments! And of course, as always, if you've seen a UFO in Texas recently, report your sighting.
A colorful craft was spotted and photographed gliding over the Preston Hollow area of Dallas. Before this sighting, the witness described seeing a group of lights hovering over the city. That's something many other Dallas residents have reported over the last 30 days. Check out photo and testimony below: Sky has been very mysterious the past month. June 1st there were lots of Lights In Sky hovering.... and June 6 While observing this very close Star-Light Object Hovering, an object flys (hovers slowly) over me. This was very quiet and the only reason I saw it was because I was looking at the bright Star-Likle Object. Could this simply be a helicopter, or perhaps a drone? Military craft? What are Dallas residents seeing in the sky?
If you've seen a UFO in Texas recently, report it! |
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