A really intriguing description of an "orb UFO" over Texas was submitted to me by the witness, who would like to be known as "PuppyProtector." Although there were no photos or video taken, I think this report is worth sharing as the witness attempted to interact with the UFO, and seemed to get a response! They also said that their dog howled at the UFO: At first I thought it was a star. Then it sort of moved away, quickly, to the right…then it closely and quickly circled back with kind of a trail moving behind. I gave it the finger and it seemed to glow brighter; move closer! I then saw red tail lights moving in what looked like 100 yard sprints. From my point of view. Then the first object I spotted lowered, grew brighter and left SO quickly that it literally left a trail behind! I have NEVER offered info like this. I am a reasonable, science first kind of girl. I was out with my puppy, Bella, when she began barking and howling at the sky! I don’t drink or do drugs; so it’s not a problem! I am aware of my past, but we have been doing well since 2011! Anyhow, The whole thing scared me enough to grab my Bella boo and run her in the house! This report comes out of Waller, Texas, a very small town that has so far, yielded some of the more amazing reports, like a Praying Mantis alien sighting (yes, for real), and a UFO that resembled a tornado, making me wonder if there's more to Waller, Texas than we know:
Video showing a bright orange light hovering strangely in the night sky over Waller, Texas, has been submitted to MUFON (case 82745), along with testimony. The witness ruled out Chinese lanterns, airplanes, or weather balloons, but what do you think? As always, you be the judge: I walked out to my car on March 3rd 2017 at around 8p to get my phone charger when I noticed lights out of the corner of my eye cross the street facing South which is a field filled with cows. It was a clear night and the lights where just there I counted 5 of them thought the neighbors were lighting those sky lanterns that dissolve in the air. I watched for a minute more they didn't move social I went to get my phone to take pictures came back out they still hovering about 3 minutes had passed I started shaking and getting nervous and video taped the lights and them took pictures and noticed they were getting a little farther away from me and told myself I have to call someone I know, so I called my friend Kimmie and asked her to go outside and see if she can see any lights in the sky, by this time I was shaking because the lights weren't moving just hovering. I decided to take a second video and watched as one light faded off and disappeared in a blink. My friend I called was in Montgomery by lake Conroe she didn't see any lights that night. I asked the owner of the house can airplanes bye seen from here be seen going to the airport she said no. I knew they weren't airplanes or weather balloons.
Believe it or not, along with the small grey humanoids, Reptilians, Bigfoot, fairies, and mermaids, there are the "Praying Mantis" aliens. That's right. Both UFO researchers and cryptozoologists have documented accounts of large, frightening Praying Mantis-like creatures. The latest of these is from outside Houston, and was sent in to TexasUFOs by a friend of the witness and fellow "Texas resident": This is not my personal experience/encounter. But I trust the witnesses.
What do you think of this amazing report? Have you ever seen a creature like this?
Spooky sounds. Triangles. Meteor crash. And what the heck is going on in Tomball? (All kinds of activities in the Houston area, especially this town, this month.) Catch up on all the weirdness in the Texas sky for the month of May right here: ![]() May 2nd
May 3rd ![]()
May 4th
May 5th
May 6th
![]() May 9th
May 11th
May 12th
May 13th
May 14th ![]() May 15th
May 16th
May 17th
May 18th
May 19th
May 20th
May 21st May 22nd May 23rd
May 27th
![]() May 29th
May 30th
May 31
A couple enjoying a scenic Sunday drive stopped many times to take pictures of the Texas countryside. When viewing their photos later, they noticed that one of them had a UFO in it. And to make things stranger, they took multiple photos of the area in a short period of time, but the UFO only showed up in one of the photos. So, it might have been super fast... Here's the full photo and description, kindly submitted to TUS by reader Chris H: My fiancé and I took a Sunday drive after a birthday lunch in the woodlands back to our home in Katy. We stopped many times to take pictures of the spring flowers and beautiful scenery. When we got back to the house to look over the pictures we saw a very strange object in one of the pictures. I have never seen anything like it. We took multiple pictures at this exact same angle over about 2-3 minutes and only one picture had this object in it. At the time the picture was taken we were focused on the cows and house in the picture and didn't see or hear anything. What are we looking at? A balloon? Camera distortion? Share your theories in the comments or on the Texas UFO sightings Facebook page or Twitter.
And as always - if you've seen a UFO like this in Texas recently, report it. |
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