11/23/2020 Update: The witness has followed up with a higher quality, slowed down version of the UFO; take a look: Update: The witness has shared two photos of the area where they saw the UFO, one taken during the daytime, and one taking during the nighttime. This provides very helpful context! As you can see, the UFO was seen over a neighborhood where there aren't very tall buildings or light towers: Original story:
A video showing a strange ball of light hovering and moving slowly, as well as disappearing and reappearing, over New York has been uploaded to YouTube by an editor and reporter of HotAir.com, Jazz Shaw. The video is over 6 minutes long and, according to Jazz, the UFO was easier to see with the naked eye (this is common with UFO sightings): No idea if this was a UFO or not, but it certainly was strange. The usual apologies for the quality of phone camera videos taken of the night sky apply. It was the best vantage point I could get. Watch for the light moving back and forth above the horizon. This light seems very high up and it's doing things that an aircraft can't do. But could this be a drone? Or... is it possible that aliens are visiting New York right now? Let me know what you think in the comments!
A mystery craft or to be specific, solid green light, flew through the evening sky over Pennsylvania, according to witness testimony and photo submitted to MUFON (case 106224). The object doesn't quite look like a meteor to me, but maybe an advanced drone could be to blame? As always, check out the report and let me know what you think in the comments, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram: Solid green orb traveling from the east toward the west. No blinking lights observed. No sound.
A very intriguing video showing two bright and mysterious lights over Alabama has been uploaded to YouTube by the witness. In the video, one of the UFOs stops to hover and appears to have a ring of lights circling it. It then shines a big beam of light! Check out the video and witness testimony below: Warning! Video has bad language, mute if that bothers you: You can see the lights are bigger than a plane. Wasn't even shaped like a plane. You can also see the lights getting bigger and going around the air craft. Follow my Instagram @juchidancercircus for more.
Two unidentified, bright white obs of light were filmed hovering and moving in the daytime sky over Kansas City. Watch the YouTube video below and as always, you be the judge on whether or not it shows UFOs or aliens, or something more explainable, like high-altitude balloons, as many are suggesting online: Bright Orange Orb, Chinese Lantern, Drone??? Hovers Mysteriously Over Arizona in Recent Video7/17/2019
According to a recent video posted to Reddit, a bright orange orb was seen hovering over Arizona. People in the comments are debating on whether or not this object is a drone, Chinese lantern, or... aliens! As more and more advanced drones take to the skies, it is getting harder and harder to tell the difference between a UFO and a drone. What do you think is going on in the video below? |
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