A sighting of a possible "triangle" UFO, or triangular-shaped craft, has been seen North of Dallas, according to a recent MUFON testimony that included a witness drawing (case 12547): Very briefly saw in the West, heading South
Photos of a yellow sphere-shaped object have been uploaded to MUFON (case 124998) by the witness, who claims it to be a UFO. Now, at first glance, the photos appear to show a lens flare, however upon further examination, I'm not so sure... The photos and testimony remind me of other unexplained sightings in Texas from over the years, and in fact, it all reminds me of the rare, naturally-occurring, but poorly-understand phenomenon called "ball lightning." According to NationalGeographic.com, ball lightning can appear during thunderstorms. So, it's worth noting that this specific UFO was seen as a storm was rolling in: I was on my deck when a storm was rolling in. I have the photos of what it looked like. But could these photos just show lens flares? The witness may have even been viewing the UFO through a camera lens, or a window, and misidentifying the object (rather than being deceptive).
I am trying to find out whether or not a thunderstorm ended up rolling in that evening, but I haven't been able to so far. Texas is known for its short thunderstorms, however, and so it's possible I won't be able to find a record of one. Let me know what you think about this case in the comments below, or on Facebook or Twitter. Did you also see this UFO? Report it, so we can learn more. 8/8/22 Update: The witness has followed up with further detail, which may help us to solve this case. He let me know that he and the guard observed the orb for over five minutes, and during that time frame, it never moved or made a sound. Upon zooming in on the photo, the witness noticed a halo around the UFO. This is a common effect I see on many UFO photos, however, so I'm not sure if that's relevant or not. He also noted that he has a Mechanical Engineering degree, in case that helped add to his credibility. Original story:
Several years ago, a mysterious orb of light was seen hovering over a nuclear pant south of Fort Worth, Texas, according to a description and a photo sent in to me by the witness: I was at Comanche Peak Nuclear Plant for work. As I was walking up to the main plant entrance from the parking lot, I saw a white orb, hovering completely still over the plant. I quickly took a picture. One of the security guards was also walking in, and I showed it to him. We watched it for about 5 minutes, and it never moved. He radioed his superiors and we both went inside the plant. A couple of hours later, as I was leaving the plant, I saw the security guard again, and asked him if he learned anything. He said he was told it was a weather balloon. Yea, right. Thousands of feet in the air and not moving a bit. I'm not buying that. A security guard told him it was just a weather balloon, but he doesn't agree. Do you?
According to pictures and testimony sent to NUFORC report (case 167028), a flying saucer-shaped craft with lights was spotted by two siblings earlier this spring. Did you see this as well? Report your sighting! There were lights on the object...
Video showing a potentially shape-shifting orb hovering and then ascending over Texas has been uploaded to MUFON (case 120263). The footage is great because it was taken during the daytime, and you can sometimes hear the witness discuss what is unfolding. However, there are no landmarks or buildings that appear in the video, and so we have no frame of reference for how large or fast-moving this UFO really was. As well, with most UFO videos, it is not high quality enough to get a detailed, close-up look at the object. Now, is it possible that this witness just captured a party balloon on camera? By accident? Check out the footage below, and then let me know what you think in the comments, or on Facebook or Twitter: We were driving when I saw some bright lights that were just so bright, I thought maybe a drone but after watching it clearly was not! We pulled over and watched as it just hovered then moved not like any aircraft there were lights that flashed white and blue so very bright and there was a plane with a trail at one point nothing like what we saw pictures do no justice to in person |
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