A successful SpaceX rocket launch lit up the night sky over Southern California yesterday evening. Some people tweeted about seeing a UFO or witnessing an end-of-the-world scenario but this dazzling display of lights was man-made. The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket could not have been missed by those living in the Los Angeles area - as it was both heard - with a sonic boom, and seen overhead. Elon Musk and countless other "witnesses" posted photos on social media of the amazing sky event:
This isn't the first time SpaceX has been seen by the masses, and even sparked UFO sightings. In December 2017, a SpaceX rocket launch caused a mild panic in LA when people could not identify the amazing light show they were seeing in front of them:
Did you also get a glimpse of the SpaceX Rocket? Did you see something strange about it, or did you see it from a location far away from Southern California? Let me know!
Interesting enough, in the 1970s and 80s, the Vandenberg Air Force Base, where this modern-day rocket launched from, was once a secret, unused space port! Feel free to share your SpaceX sightings, and ideas on these recent rocket launches and how they affect UFO sightings and "culture," in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
UFOJane discusses Elon Musk's recent interview with Joe Rogan, where he talked about Bob Lazar and traveling to Mars, among other interesting topics. Could Elon Musk know something we don't about UFOs and aliens, or is he a truth seeker just like us? UFOJane wants to know, and this recent interview may give us all a hint...
Jan 7th, 2018 Update: New photos of strange lights appearing near the SpaceX rocket have been submitted to MUFON (case 89382)... what could these lights be, UFOs, drones, reflections? If you live in California and witnessed the SpaceX launch on December 22nd, let me know if you saw any UFOs!
December 29th, 2017 Update: A new report and photo of strange green lights showing up alongside the surprising SpaceX rocket launch has been filed with MUFON (case 89155). This time, the witness was in Gardena, California. Compare the latest photo to the others below:
After the launch of a SpaceX rocket on December 22nd, 2017, many reports of a UFO were made as Californians were not expecting such a nighttime spectacle. Not to mention, the event occurred just a week after the New York Times reported on the Pentagon funding a secret, modern-day UFO research program. However, even those who knew about the SpaceX news story still question it. Could a UFO really have been spotted over California, and did Elon Musk just help with a cover story? Or was the SpaceX rocket launch timed on purpose to occur after the New York Times article, in order to see how people would react? Now, things get even weirder. Two separate witnesses (see MUFON cases 89100 and 89034) in West Hills and Westminster, California snapped of photos of strange green, unidentified lights alongside the headline-making SpaceX rocket:
It's very possible that these lights are simply lens artifacts or camera reflections, however considering that Elon Musk himself recently suggested a UFO (or mystery drone) was the cause of one of his past SpaceX rocket explosions, these photos are worth some investigation.
Share your thoughts on this story and more in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Did you watch the SpaceX rocket launch? Did you also see these strange lights? Report your sighting!
The race to Mars is officially on. Shortly after SpaceX CEO Elon Musk made statements about his plans to go to Mars and his expectation that he will find subterranean extraterrestrial life there, Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg made headlines by stating "I'm convinced that the first person to step foot on Mars will arrive there riding on a Boeing rocket." Of course the backdrop to this is NASA's plans to colonize Mars; they even produced a series of fantastical posters about it.
What's especially odd about all this is the case of the SpaceX rocket that recently exploded mid launch, as Elon Musk has helped to insinuate that a competitor - perhaps Boeing! - could be responsible for the disaster (via an enemy drone with a laser).
It seems that we need to get to Mars as soon as possible, and whoever gets their first will be rewarded. What do you think is driving this new sense of urgency? Is UFO and Alien Disclosure coming?
I've been following the story of the SpaceX rocket explosion, in which the cause is still being investigated. The UFO community was quite alarmed by the event, as they spotted an object zipping by it and appearing to fire something at it right before the rocket destructs. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk didn't fan those flames when he tweeted that he was "not ruling out" that a UFO may have hit the rocket. As the investigation continues, the UFO theory is becoming stronger and stronger. In fact, it is now being insinuated that a SpaceX competitor, perhaps United Launch Associates, a Boeing/Lockheed Martin company, could be to blame. A rogue employee may have sent a drone to fire a laser at the rocket before it could successfully launch its communication satellite into space. What or WHO do you think caused the SpaceX rocket explosion? Do you think stories like these will help the UFO alien and disclosure movement?
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