More than a dozen bright solid lights were filmed hovering over a city in Minnesota, according to a YouTube video uploaded, presumably by the witness (though it is still unclear):
What do you think of this UFO video? Share your thoughts on this and more in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
There's a road near New London, Minnesota that is claimed to be haunted. Timber Lake Road is lined by dense forest and at nighttime, it turns eerie, with locals reporting to see strange red eyes in the dark and other ghostly apparitions. As you might guess, it has a tragic history. One day, a mother who lived on Timber Lake Road came home to discover that her children had been murdered. Grief stricken, she hung herself. Her ghost is believed to still roam the rural road, looking for the murderer.
In the summer of 2015, a deaf woman and her boyfriend stayed in their mother's home in New London, not terribly far from this haunted road. And she had a super spooky encounter. In the middle of the night, she felt like someone was watching her in the corner of the bedroom, specifically a shadowy figure with white, glowing eyes (she had a vision in her head of it). But she was too afraid to actually peek open her eyes to see. A week later, the mother's boyfriend stayed in the same bedroom and had a similar feeling. This time he took a picture, and you can scroll down to see the creepy image! What's even creepier is the mother ended up admitting later that she believed the house to be haunted, and that's why she was about to break the lease! She would hear strange noises in the house, however since her daughter was deaf, she didn't think the noises would be bothered! Check out the original photo taken below as well as some lightened versions of it, and the original witness testimony shared in a popular Reddit thread. Original ghost imageBrightened images
It was taken in summer of 2015 at a house in New London, MN by my mom’s boyfriend. My mom moved in this house in the woods with 1 year lease, but she moved out after 2nd week for another place and broke the lease at end of the month. When I came to visit her before she broke the lease, she told me my boyfriend and I could stay at this house as a quiet “up north vacation” for just two of us. She doesn’t mention any haunting to us or tell us reason why she moved out. We got there and I immediately felt like someone was watching us as soon as we placed our foot into the house. I ignored this feeling because I thought I was just overly paranoid for no reason and it was at night time. This feeling of being watched doesn’t stop at our bedtime and it came from one corner next to closet that was facing the bed if you stood there. I finally told my boyfriend I have a very strong feeling something was there watching us from that corner. We don’t see anything but I can see a black apparition with white glowing eyes in my head (hard to explain what it’s like seeing something that’s not there). He was like, don’t be silly and I am always here to protect you. So I went to sleep with my eyes shut all night with no peeking. For some reasons I believed I would see glowing white eyes if I ever opened my eyes, so I just don’t ever dare to peek and risk ruining my night freaking out if I saw something. The next morning I had enough and told him to get outta here ASAP.
A paranormal crew has investigated the haunted road located near this encounter before and you can watch their video below:
What do you think of this ghost story and photo? Could it be a weird lens reflection, misidentification, or hoax? If the photo is real, does it prove that ghosts are real? Share your thoughts and personal ghost stories on the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
September 18th, 2018 Update: According to the local Mystic Casino in Minnesota, these lights were just coming from them and weren't aliens at all. However, the Mystic Casino is over an hour away from Stillwater, where this photograph was taken, so what do you think? Is this case solved, or still very much open? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Original report A mysterious ring of lights was seen and photographed hovering over Minnesota. According to secondhand testimony sent into MUFON (case 94921), the object eventually ascended, and to the naked eye, clearly resembled a spacecraft: Mile high in the air, witness watches for approximately 4 minutes. Then it ascended quickly out of site Could this UFO be the same one that was photographed in Fort Worth earlier this month? Or the one that multiple times in Houston in 2014 and 2015? Compare to the photos below and you be the judge: Do you live in Minnesota? Did you see this "spacecraft," too? Report your sighting!
Do you think this photo really could show an alien spaceship? If so, is it the same on that haunted Texans in 2014 and 2015? Share your ideas in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
An NBA team traveling in a Boeing 757-200 in between games experienced scary turbulence when a bird (or other object in the sky) hit the front of the airplane. Some members of the team, including NBA star Carmelo Anthony, tweeted photos of the damage, making one wonder if it was a bird... or perhaps superman, or even a UFO!
Believe it or not, UFOs do commonly show up alongside airplanes. Consider that around his time last year, a UFO was filmed flying by Donald Trump's plane on Inauguration Day:
What do you think damaged the plane these NBA stars flew on? Share your theories in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!
5/4 9:49 AM Update: It appears the latest sighting of a "ring of lights" may have been due to a light show put on by the nearby Mystic Lake Casino, according to a Twitter tip from UFO researchers @ufoofinterest and @TheOutThereChannel. What do you think? A Minnesota resident witnessed a large, bright ring of lights hovering in the evening sky over their neighborhood. They fortunately sent in testimony and photos to MUFON (case 83477). I saw this ring of lights last sat night, April 29, 2017. The lights were in the western sky, and it was an overcast night. The ring of lights were stationary and did not move at all for many hours. The lights were coming from behind the clouds.
Could this sighting be related to the (still unsolved) November 2014 UFO wave? During that time, people saw an unusual ring of lights hovering in different parts of the Lone Star State, namely in Houston, and even in the world:
Or perhaps this event is more like the mysterious "smoke rings" that have been seen occasionally over the past few years, like in Long Beach, New York in February 2017:
What do you think of this sighting? Is this a real UFO? Or could this be something more explainable - perhaps spotlights, flares, or even a hoax? Share your theories about this sighting and more in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
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