An astounding secondhand account of a high school student who participated in some truly strange experiments at the University of California has been submitted to MUFON (case 93023). According to the report, students were involved in remote viewing and telekinesis experiments, and were also made to be eyewitness to a "terrifying" caged creature - resembling a gray alien, though a sickly one: Hello, thank you for you time. An acquaintance of many years told me about an extraterrestrial encounter that is neither an abduction or a UFO sighting. I recently posted this story to Reddit in hopes of finding other people who were there, but found no luck. One response recommended contacting MUFON about the incident. I'm primarily searching to verify the story by finding out if other people have reported it as well, since it apparently involved a few dozen, or perhaps a hundred, people. Regardless, the experiment was run by the US federal government, consisting of a several-day stay on the Berkeley campus, during which the students were to be housed and fed by government representatives, apparently "men-in-black" type spooks. The first few days involved experimentation in psychic powers, such as telekinesis and remote viewing. My source specifically described these sessions to me. In the telekinetic sessions, for example, the students were asked to mentally spin a top which was balanced at the end of a stick they were holding. In the remote viewing sessions, they were supposed to see what was placed in front of a person in another room, although my source could only accurately "view" a hole in the ceiling of that room. But the most important aspect of this experiment took place on the final day. The students were seated in an auditorium, the exits of which were all guarded by armed uniformed soldiers. The students were told that they would be shown something which may terrify them, but warned them not to try to leave the room. What was shown them was a cage with a creature sitting inside. The creature, which was described to me as one of the "grays", looked sick and frail. Some of the students panicked upon seeing the creature, some calmly went toward the cage. But at the end of the experience, the students were warned not to speak of anything which had happened during the past few days, or else they and their families would disappear.
Considering that there are plenty of well documented cases of the government investigating weird phenomenon (from Project Stargate to Project Bluebook), as well as there have been cases of the Men in Black and Gray Aliens... could this story be true? On the record, UC Berkeley is known for its animal lab testing, which has been protested by animal rights activists.
If it is true, what was the purpose of showing the high school kids this alien creature? Were the researchers curious as to how the youth would react to the truth about aliens and their visitation here on Earth? Or is this story just a fantastical hoax, fun to read but nothing more? Share your theories in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Do you know more about these rumored UC Berkeley experiments from the 1980s? Share what you know.
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