Although sightings of Sasquatch tromping around and hiding in the Texas woods are few and far between (Washington, California and Florida are the hairy man's favorite states to lurk around in), they do happen every year. In fact, TexasUFOs recently published a feature on three Bigfoot encounters from just 2016 alone. One thing is for sure - when Bigfoot does visit Texas, he or she visits East Texas. It probably has to do with the piney woods; they are a perfect place for "mythological" creatures to hang out.
Here are the best documented cases of a Bigfoot encounter in the Lone Star State, from the very first of its kind in the 1800s to a sighting as recent as 2008. These Texas Bigfoot sightings are the most famous and credible: #3: Bigfoot Caught Hiding Behind a Woodpile in 2008
In 2008, Christopher Noel, a professor with a curiosity about Bigfoot heard about an East Texas "habituation site," or Sasquatch hot spot. He decided to visit and set up an infrared camera. Noel didn't think he'd come up with anything until his friend enhanced the footage. In the enhanced footage, Noel and his friend noticed a large creature hiding behind a woodpile and the woodsy shrubbery, his arms stretched out and his eyes glaring. Noel went on to write a book about his encounters.
#2: Man Sees Bigfoot, Photographs Footprint in 2015
A man living in Lufkin (East Texas) caught wind of the neighborhood dogs getting attacked. Separately, he'd also heard "strange noises." So, as a good neighbor would do, he decided to take extra notice of the area and keep an eye out for anything suspicious. That's when he noticed a large, shadowy, hairy creature walking on he edge of his property. The man's dog chased after it before it disappeared.
#1: The Wild Man of the Navidad from 1843
The legend of the Texas Wild Man arose when crops and cattle started to go missing, along with strange footprints. A creature breaking into homes and stealing things, and other strange occurrences were reported over a period of two years. Subtle details like branches breaking and rocks being thrown, which are typical activities of Bigfoot, have led many cryptologists to believe the stories are true. A book was even written about Wild Man of Navidad, which claimed that eventually he was captured and died. Other books have since been written - some researchers believe that the Wild Man was actually a Wild Woman.
Do you know of a Texas Bigfoot sighting that should have made it on this list? Discuss this story and more in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter. Have you seen Bigfoot? Report your sighting! Bigfoot in Texas, 2016 Sightings Videos:
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