Did you know that Mexico is home to some of the most famous UFO sightings of all-time? From its majestic volcanoes to its busy city streets, aliens appear to be fascinated by many aspects of the country! Check out the top UFO sightings in Mexico, which include beautiful orbs of light and flying saucers...
5. Flying Saucer Hovers Over Mexico City
During the summer of 1997, just a year after the famous Phoenix Lights UFO incident, a flying disc hovered and flew over Mexico City, according to video and witness testimony obtained by local ufologist Jaime Massuan. Many have suggested the footage to be hoaxed, but to this day, the case has neither been 100% authenticated or debunked.
4. Rod-shaped Object Dives Into Volcano
Believe it or not, UFOs showing up in and around volcanoes is an amazing and common phenomenon! Mexico's Popocatepetl Volcano is a specific UFO hot spot, so much so that a group monitoring the volcano in November of 2012 was able to film - by chance - a large, glowing rod-shaped object dive or crash into the volcano.
3. Fleet of UFOs Swarm Mexico Border
Earlier this year, video was posted to Instagram showing several bright white orbs moving around strangely, and even dancing, over the California and Mexico border in Tijuana. Border agents can even be seen viewing the amazing light orbs. Shortly after the event, the original video was removed from the Internet, but since then new videos have surfaced. The footage is similar to many UFO orb sightings in Japan.
2. Several Mystery Lights Appear Over Campeche
in March 2004, at least 11 mysterious bright lights were filmed flying over Campeche, a Mexican state located along the gulf coast. The event was even recorded on radar. Eventually, the Mexican Air Force acknowledged the UFO sighting, but explained it as simple military flares. However, for those familiar with other UFO sightings like the Phoenix Lights incident in 1996 and even the Stephenville, Texas lights incident in 2008, the case is really a case of a UFO sighting being covered up. Perhaps the public will never know the true story behind the Campeche lights.
1. UFO Craft Flies Into Volcano
In the spring of 2013, more web cam footage monitoring the Popocatepetl Volcano (oft-frequented by UFOs) surfaced, this time featuring a bright seemingly intelligent orb of light, or craft, flying over and circling into the volcano, as if to land.
Bonus Sighting: Round Metal Craft Flies Around Over the Colima Volcano
Although UFOs like to visit the Popocatepetl Volcano, they also enjoy the Colima Volcano. Among the many UFO sightings to occur at the Colima Volcano is a case from November 2016, where someone viewing a live web cam of the volcano witnessed a round metal object flying around it and reported the sighting to MUFON.
What do you think of these amazing Mexico UFO sightings? Do you know of any sightings you'd add to the list? Share your thoughts in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Related Reading Recent UFO sightings in Mexico Top UFO Sightings in Japan Top UFO Sightings in Texas
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