A frequent viewer of the ISS live cam witnessed a UFO on two separate occasions, and fortunately took some screenshots and shared them with MUFON (case 92258). December 28th, 2017ok so, i have taken screenshots on my ISS app on my phone on 2 different occasions. the first was on the 28/12/17 and the 2nd occasion was on the 4/3/18. On the 28/12 i have taken 1 photo and my memory f that is a little vague. on the 4/3 i have taken 5 screenshots, all approximately 5 seconds after one another. I want to add I am using the same cell phone right now to submit this report so to submit the original photos i took with all the added info and details attached to the pictures, such as the date and time etc. and also i hope that helps to authenticate my photos are not modified at all in one way or another. I will concentrate on the 4/3 because that is more familiar in my memory. All i was doing was checking the app like i sometimes do and sometimes i see the ISS fly over my town when i am up early enough. and basically i saw the round object, and i have researched about the ISS before and know that stars and most planets are not visible through the cameras on the ISS, only the sun and moon and a not many planets. and definitely not other satellites because of the speed the ISS is traveling as well as the other satellites. i immediately begun taking screenshots and as you can see the time between the photos, i hope that will help if someone can calculate the speed of the ISS and whatever else may be to pinpoint a distance of the object and size, maybe. I have thought afterwards maybe this is just a planet or a secret human powered craft, and other ideas. but after finding this site i simply wanted to submit my info and get the experts to look at it. before the 28/12/17 i have never seen a ufo before and these are the only 2 times i have seen anything on the ISS app. i have been incredibly astonished and blown away this year to, to see a UFO with my own eyes very close to my town and i have a detailed description to tell in another report so i will just keep that brief for now. Basically i first saw the object up high then it hovered for a little while then slowly dropped downwards until it was out of sight behind earth. thank you anyone who puts time into this and can back to me if these sightings i am sharing are authentic or not. any info which i hope can be identified would be greatly appreciated. thank you April 8th, 2018
Believe it or not, sightings of UFOs by the ISS are pretty common. But is that what these photographs show - UFOs? Or do they show reflections of lights or other mundane anomalies? As always, you be the judge! Share your theories in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
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