"We are so far from knowing all the forces of Nature and the various modes of their action that it is not worthy of a philosopher to deny phenomena only because they are inexplicable in the present state of our knowledge. The harder it is to acknowledge the existence of phenomena, the more we are bound to investigate them with increasing care." ![]()
The US government-funded think tank, the RAND Corporation, released an internal document about the UFO phenomenon a few years ago that I have only just recently discovered.
The PDF file authored by RAND's George Kocher in the 60s was apparently released "as a matter of public interest" and it not only acknowledges the UFO phenomenon as very real and not man-made, but calls for a more thorough and objective investigation of it. Here is a summary provided on the RAND website: Sightings of unidentified foreign objects (UFOs) have been reported throughout the centuries—most of them given a religious interpretation. Since World War II, however, there seems to have been a drastic increase in the number of sightings. We have enough data—both visual and photographic—on some of these sightings to know that the phenomenon is unambiguously extraordinary and clearly inexplicable in modern terms. The author examines UFO brightness, size, and maneuvers, and discusses the frequency and location of sightings. He ends by suggesting the need for more standardized reporting on UFOs, so that times and locations of appearances may be anticipated and badly needed objective data may be obtained.
And a few highlights from the actual document:
The usual scientist's reaction at this point is, well, even if the assumptions are correct and this number of advanced civilizations does exist, contact is still impossible because of the speed of light limitation of the theory of relativity. An excellent example of this kind of reasoning can be found in Ref. 14. My reply is that such a statement would appear to be shortsighted. For the moment, let us ignore the possibilities of overcoming the long time of travel by suspended animation and the like. Recall that our own physical theory has been developed in only 500 years. What can we expect in the next 500? Or 1000 or million or even billion years? I suggest that _if_ a way to circumvent the speed of light restriction is possible, it has already been found by someone in our galaxy. (I haven't the faintest idea how this might be done and I fully agree that our own experimental data appear to accurately confirm the existence of this limitation.) If it has been discovered by one, we certainly would expect it to be used; if no other planet's inhabitants independently discovered the means, it makes little difference for such a thing could be taught by the discoverer. Thus we may conclude that it is very likely that at least one, and probably many of the 100 million advanced planetary populations is capable of interstellar travel.
This revelation joins a mountain of now declassified NASA, FBI and NSA files that quietly echo this exact same sentiment.
Considering the active and ongoing cover up the UFO phenomenon, it's always intriguing to explore the motives behind such information "leaks." Is Disclosure coming to a city near you? Can we trust it if it does come?
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