An orange ball of light has been spotted making strange movements and speeding through the sky in the New Braunfels area: My son and I were driving on I46E toward Seguine, Tx, we noticed an orange ball of light making erractic movements over our subdivision while we waited at the stoplights. We are in a flight path for civilian and military aircraft of all kinds. This orange ball of light was the size of small helicopter. I pulled over in subdivision to watch for about two minutes, then it zipped off toward SE. My son then told me that as he and my foster son, that last night, March 28th, about the same time, 11pm, they both witnessed another large ball of orange light toward the NW. Have you seen this? Report it. Doesn't sound like a meteor or typical aircraft... and it apparently showed up multiple nights!
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My family and i were at my sisters wedding Saturday night, the 29th. After the ceremony, around 8:30 pm, myself, my girlfriend, my neither and his girlfriend were sitting by the water facing south toward Galveston, tx. I noticed what at first appeared to be a star swaying back and forth. Over and over. After a while, it would sit still, then continue to move side to side in the sky. Since we were at a wedding, i unfortunately didn't have the time to watch it for more than 5-10 minutes, but wanted to report what we witnessed. Thanks. Could this have been a satellite or star that only appeared to move back and forth, or a true blue UFO? Share your ideas in the comments. And if you saw a strange star in the Houston area recently, report your sighting.
Our favorite San Antonio UFO hunter is always posting great videos of strange crafts and orbs flying around his neighborhood. One of his recent videos features an object with three bright lights, possibly a craft shaped like a triangle... or possibly a plain old plane! A few days prior to this, a triangle craft was photographed zooming over Amarillo and aviation experts speculate it's a classified military craft. Triangle crafts are no stranger to Texas (or the world) - a mass sighting of a triangle shaped object hovering over downtown Austin during ACL of last year is still a hot topic. Watch the video and read the full testimony below: This Energy U.F.O Craft was captured on video using a SONY DCR-TRV310 with a 950nm IR Filter...While scanning the sky I notice a flash high in altitude..When zooming in for a closer observation..A Glowing Orb can be seen traveling overhead..This U.F.O Orb seems to be emitting some kind of energy,not reflect the suns rays.When zooming out you can clearly see it was at high altitude.(used the top pf the tree tops as Reference points). At one point it travel under some clouds and you can see this Orb was traveling horizontal .. I did not hear any noise coming from this unknown object..In my opinion this glowing object was clearly no weatherballoon/aircraft/drone or satellite.. Have you seen any triangle crafts in Texas recently? Report it!
A stirring photo of a triangle craft speeding through the daytime sky and leaving a contrail behind has hit the web and generated some local buzz. The witnesses, Steve Douglass and Dean Muskett, also picked up radio communication related to the flyby. You can see an enhanced version of the photo below: Aviation blogger and friend to the witnesses, Bill Sweetman said this is the first time a classified craft has been photographed since 1956. Well, if that's the case, Mr. Sweetman, then aliens are definitely visiting because people - especially Texans - have been drawing pictures, snapping photos and taking videos of air crafts that exceed the boundaries of known technology since, well, just about the beginning of time. But the latest is indeed one of the better photographs to date, and experts seem to agree it's probably the military's. Is the military responsible for other recent waves of triangle sightings, too, then? More from Bill Sweetman: The photos tell us more about what the mysterious stranger isn't than what it is. The size is very hard to determine, for example, although the image size at contrailing height suggests that it is bigger than an X-47B. However, the basic shape - while it resembles Boeing's Blended Wing Body studies or the Swift Killer Bee/Northrop Grumman Bat unmanned air system - is different from anything known to have flown at full size, lacking the notched trailing edge of Northrop Grumman's full-size designs. Have you seen any triangle crafts in Texas recently? Report your sighting!
A pair of Texans witnessed several white lights in the sky traveling very slowly - almost hovering - in a line and appearing to blink like normal air crafts. The witnesses caught the event on film and in it you can hear them speculating that perhaps they're looking at Chinese lanterns. They don't seem too confident in that theory however: "What are those? Are you aware of any celebrations in the McAllen area that might have warranted some Chinese lanterns? Do you have theories on what this could have been? Have at it in the comments. If you saw these UFOs as well, report it!
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