It's time to recap the latest weekly UFO sightings in Texas. Here's what happened in the Lone Star sky for the days October 24th to 30th, 2015.
Many triangle-shaped UFOs were reported this past week. As well, a few different folks spotted a star-like object that hovers and darts around the sky, as well as changes colors and flashes off lights. Notice how sightings peeked on October 28th - the night of the eclipse! October 24th Fort Worth: Texas UFO Sightings reader LD writes in about large triangle shaped craft: "While driving through Fort Worth on 10/24/2015 around 11pm, I noticed a triangle shaped light moving across the sky at a very high rate of speed and then abruptly change directions. My wife was riding with me and I asked her to look up and she saw the lights as well. I was traveling on the interstate but asked my wife to take video on her phone. I slowed down on the road but we couldn't get good video due to the street lights. As we continued to drive, we saw about 8 to 10 more lights traveling the same. Moving very fast and changing directions abruptly. Now, after spending 22 years in the Air Force, I can tell you this was not a plane. A plane could not changed directions like that. Not even a F-22 or F-35...Not possible! I just wanted to make this post in case someone else witnessed the same phenomenon." October 25th Two readers comment on an old story about an eerie "humming" sound heard in Texas. Apparently it's still happening. October 26th Dallas (specifically George Bush Carrollton area): Reader CH sees a cigar shaped object: "I saw a cigar shaped object of light moving too fast to be a plane. I had my eye on it for about 25 seconds it then just disappeared. " Graham: Reader Phil Causey sees a star-like object that moves in a way a star should not: "Second night watching this celestial object. Location Graham, Texas. Shortly after dark a bright object appears at approximately 35 deg north northeast and proceeds to climb in altitude steadily moving east. Right now at 9:14 central time the object has moved from the horizon to approximately 20 degrees above the horizon and has moved to approximately 45 degrees north northeast. We enjoy watching the stars every night here and we have never before witnessed an object move from west to east like this. It is flickering multiple colors and defying everything I know about the directions celestial objects are supposed to track across the sky. If you're in the north Texas countryside go have a look and check it every hour or so. See what you think. I'd like to know what it is." October 27th Dripping Springs: Orb changes colors October 28th Roby: Several moving and flashing lights Dallas: Chevron shaped formation of lights filmed Katy: Reader Helena writes in about a round and triangle-ish craft: "Last night I witnessed a rounded triangle go across the sky. I tried to debunk it as an aircraft but It was flying too low for an aircraft, and it had no lights on. It was flying at a steady speed North to South. I then observed closely and it made no 'flapping' movements like a bird. There was also no sound like an animal or aircraft- it was silent. I would say it was about a few hundred feet in the air, probably the size of a car. I could not identify it. Sadly, I had no camera with me. But someone else was there and I pointed it out. He saw it too and couldn't figure out what it was either. I'm personally not one who believes in ufos, but I couldn't explain what I saw." Mesquite: A MUFON report details an orb of light that hovers, moves, changes colors, and just overall behaves really weird: "I was walking inside my house, I shut the front door and looked out the window, like I do every time, and I saw this really bright star. I looked at for a second, and then thought to myself 'it's just an airplane', and then it moved to the right a little bit, in a REALLY weird way that didn't look like anything I've ever seen before. I opened the door and stepped outside to watch it, and it wasn't moving any closer or further away, it just hovered there in the sky, flashing. Again I thought it was an airplane and I was just tired, but the lights looked different, and there were colors flashing that I'd never seen on any plane before. I sat down and just watched it, afraid to move because I might miss something. It hovered, and it would jump to the right, then to the left, and then it would go up and to the right, and I could swear even though I couldn't make out a definite shape that it was tilting at an angle. I stared and stared, and even walked down the street for a clearer view, just to be sure that IT was moving, and not the trees in my yard blowing in the wind. It was DEFINITELY moving. When it hovered, it didn't sit perfectly still, it sort of wavered, like a quadrotor drone. So then I thought maybe it was a personal drone someone was flying, but I watched and watched and it stayed up there, and as far as I know, the battery life on those personal drones isn't very long. I sat outside watching it for 30 minutes, and then it looked like it was ejecting things from it, like tiny shooting stars. I thought maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me, and I was seeing some kind of glare that looked like things were coming out of it, but then one came out and made a big curve over the thing. It came out of what I can only assume was the top, went up and to the left, and then made a big arcing curve over the light, or craft, or whatever it was. They weren't bright like the thing itself, they had really faint tails as they came off. I've seen a few ufos in the last year or two, but this one is the only one I've been able to actually watch, instead of just seeing. The last one I saw there was a witness. The night of the lunar eclipse a few weeks ago we saw a blue light flying in a straight path, but it looked smoother than an airplane and it was just a solid blue light. It stopped mid flight, turned from blue to red, and then dropped straight down and we lost sight of it. There were at least 50 people outside looking at the eclipse, I KNOW somebody else saw that." October 29th Katy: Reader Leticia P. writes in about a potential meteor... could this be a sign of what's to come with this coming evening's Halloween meteor?: "Looked like a meteor with a tail in person but on camera it looks like a UFO"
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A V-shaped craft with orange-red lights appeared in Dallas and luckily someone got it on camera and submitted testimony and footage to MUFON: Driving into my gated apt complex, looked up and saw a chevron shaped formation. The lights, giving shape to the chevron were orange-red. The formation did not emit sound. As I continued to observe, 3-4 solid orange-red "orbs" followed the chevron- equidistantly spaced.
A Houston resident was attending an outdoor concert at Herman Square Park, part of the Houston Beer Festival (which apparently happened last month), when their camera luckily got a quick moving object overhead: Seems to be a flying rod. No wings or engines that I can see. Although the atmosphere around it looks like its disturbed. Comment and share if you think this is weird. The "rod" shape is a classic unexplained shape for a UFO, but could this have been a bug flying closer to the camera lens than it appears? Or a meteor? If you saw this as well, and there's a decent chance you did (considering the crowd in the video), report it!
Texas UFO Sightings reader Travis witnessed a bright, peculiar light both hovering and moving in the nighttime sky. When viewed through a telescope, the object appeared to be changing colors and giving off flashes and/or sparks of light! Check out photo and testimony below, kindly submitted to the site: On 10/27-2015 I looked out my back window and saw what I thought was a helicopter hovering in the distance. It was about 20 degrees up from the horizon and 46 degrees from magnetic north (which I calculated the following day). From my back yard that put the object between and past Georgetown an Then it started to move right and then up to about 30 degrees from the horizpm. Taylor. I watched the object for about 20 minutes and it moved slowly but erratically and roughly stayed in the same location. The light initially look like a bright white light and then started to change colors. The colors ranged from red to blue to orange to green and sometimes half and half. I called a friend that has a high powered telescope and he was able to spot it. His first reaction was "Awesome, you are not going to believe this". He described the object as an orb with random color changes and spikes of color coming off of it around the circumference. He said it looked like bad special effects from old Star Trek shows. While we were on the phone together a second object appeared in the same location and moved in much of the same way as the first, except it moved along the horizon about 20 degrees up. I videoed much of the event on my Galaxy 6S but it is grainy. I also have video when the second object appeared. I was observing this from 21:30 to 22:30. Video was taken as well, but is a little too dark and grainy to share. Not an uncommon problem with UFO Sightings, especially the more legitimate.
Two Texans have now witnessed flashing lights in the sky. Jose Chavira wrote to Texas UFO Sightings about quite the amazing sighting on October 28th. This follows a similar one in Cedar Park from October 10th. Quick flashing lights in the sky. There were no planes around. Multiple lights came together and formed a triangular shape. Stayed there for around thirty seconds then all went in different directions very fast. What could these lights be? Have you seen them? Share your story. Think you know what these are? Post your opinions in the comments or on the Facebook page. In the meantime, check out similar footage from a Cedar Park sighting earlier on October 10th: |
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