A bright blue star-like object hovered - and possibly moved - over a busy Houston road. The witness was in total shock of the sighting, and on camera you can hear her talking about other witnesses pulling over on the side of the road to watch. In the YouTube video the witness posted, you can see a clear blue light but unfortunately not much else: Did you see this blue light as well? Were you in one of the cars that pulled over to check this out? Share your story!
More than a month ago, a pretty interesting YouTube video was posted. I just now found it, but it is well worth a watch - as it features a clear glowing orb moving in different directions in a blue sky: Before leaving a duck pond with my son I noticed this object in the sky and quickly started taking photos and video. I worked around aircraft for a long time, this wasn't a chopper or plane, maybe somebody can give some ideas...... It's easy to debunk UFO sightings these days as "drones," and that's certainly a possibility. Let's remember however that orbs like these are some of the most common UFO "types" and have been seen for hundreds and even thousands of years, so if they are drones, they may not have always been ours.
Share your theories in the comments or on the Facebook page. And if you saw this as well, help solve the mystery and report your sighting! Do you follow Texas UFO Sightings regularly? Look forward to a recap of ALL this week's sightings every Sunday (not just the ones that get feature) as well as a monthly "top 10." The recaps started a while ago but then hit a snag! Thanks for your patience.
A fireball or meteor or fiery orb or UFO or whatever of some kind was photographed passing over Bee Cave, Texas. The witness reported the sighting to MUFON, and was pretty spooked by it: I was traveling westbound on Bee Caves Road (2244), when I noticed a vertical trail in the sky. I thought this one was a bit odd, as it was vertical - straight up and down with no visible object leading it. I do understand light refraction works and that often what we think we see is most times just our eyes playing tricks on us, but something about this just seemed weird. I continued to glance at the vertical trail as I drove, and then noticed as I got closer to my destination that there was now an object that was moving horizontally across the sky, with the trail coming out behind it. I realized that it would pass me if I didn't park soon and get a picture, so I pulled over and zoomed in as much as my camera would allow. I took 4 rapid fire pictures with my iPhone, and actually stopped taking pictures as it passed over me, and got back in my car because I got a very uneasy feeling. While I was taking the pictures, I was looking directly at the object (not through the phone) and I swear it was changing shapes as it moved across the sky. If I hadn't seen the trail, and the sun hadn't been setting, I don't know that I would have even seen the object, I feel like the sun's light was affecting its perceivable "shape". I got back in my car and proceeded down a driveway, got back out the car and (literally) 20 seconds later, it was gone. The trail was gone. There was no trace of it in the sky. What I saw looked like a small pink/red/orange orb that appeared to morph as it moved from a clam shape, to a cylinder to an oval. Pictures included are labeled in the order they were taken. Did you see this as well? Report your sighting! Know what this was? A meteor or something spookier? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page.
Okay so, this thing hasn't appeared just these times. It comes and goes and hangs around in the same part of the sky without ever moving. On November 18th though, you could see it blinking brightly in the sky and it looked a lot different than it did a month ago. It has the same shape as before, but it has NEVER blinked crazy like that.
Really fascinating footage of a flaming ball of light hanging in the Houston sky has hit YouTube: There is not much detail in the video description. Can you add to the story? If you saw this UFO as well, report it!
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