Well-known UFO researcher and former lawyer Terry Lovelace has come forward in a compelling interview with David Haith of the UFO Chronicles, about an alien abduction experience he had. And it's just not memories of this encounter that he has - which he recovered during a hypnotic regression - but physical proof! Specifically, a "health and activity" app he uses on his phone recorded that he traveled up six flights of stairs at 5:24 AM in the morning... the trouble is, Lovelace should have been sleeping at the time. Lovelace reasons that the app didn't glitch... but instead recorded him being elevated up into a flying saucer! Below you can see an illustration of the abduction event, as well as screenshots from his interview with Haith, and the "health and activity" app that may have recorded his abduction: Do you believe that Lovelace was abducted by aliens? Or could this be some elaborate hoax or just a phone glitch? Share your thoughts and theories on this and more in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Have you ever been abducted by an alien? Or seen an alien or something you couldn't explain? Report your encounter.
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"I have never been more terrified in my entire life" - Gray Alien Encounter in Irving, Texas7/1/2018
A frightening encounter with a classic gray alien from late last year has just now been submitted to MUFON (case 92951): 3 Greys showed up next to my bed,
What do you think of this amazing and detailed testimony from a possible alien abductee? Do you believe that the gray aliens are real, and that they are visiting people today?
Or do you think this a simple case of a bad nightmare? Share your theories in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Have you ever seen a gray? You are not alone. Report your sighting!
A resident of Paris, Texas recently experienced a scary episode of sleep paralysis along with a visitation from a demonic or ET entity. Luckily, they shared their encounter with MUFON (case 88548): I had laid down in bed, and was just thinking about the nature of reality as I am prone to do. I felt the weight of a small child, say about the age of 4 run across the foot of the bed very swiftly. I felt the weight of the cloaked entity come in behind me and spoon me. Instantly, I felt a deep desire to go right to sleep but I knew this was not ultimately in my best interest. I wasn't afraid, but I wasn't going out without at least putting up a fight. I had a similar instance years ago and I had called upon the name of Jesus and the situation instantly dissipated, so I tried to say Jesus name aloud but realized I was in sleep paralysis. Keep in mind this was happening within 45 seconds at this point. I thought the name of Jesus as I tried to move. I told myself I am not losing consciousness. If the entity was going to take me he had better bring help. Within 30 seconds I was able to roll off the bed to my left over the area the Entity would have been lying. I did not feel his body as I rolled over. I got to my feet. I felt his presence still in the room, and I walked into the adjoining dining room and closed the door behind me. I looked at my phone and the time was 11:33pm. I never felt fear, but I did think inside my head as though to speak to the entity telepathically, "What are your intentions?" I didn't receive a response. I emailed my brother and told him about the experience. I sat up for about an hour, then decided to go back to sleep. I awoke at 6:45am this morning (December 4, 2017) very drowsy and almost unable to get out of bed. I would gladly take a polygraph test without prior notice concerning the issue described above.
Do you think this is a typical alien abduction case or a simple example of sleep paralysis and nothing more? Legends of humanoid and even monstrous entities haunting victims during episodes of sleep paralysis are commonplace and have been reported throughout human history. It appears that if aliens are real and are abducting the people of Earth, they prefer to induce a dreamlike or paralytic state in their victims during their activities.
Share your theories on this strange and scary alien encounter in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! And, as always, if you've ever seen or experienced something like this, report it.
Are aliens abducting Texans right now? While alien abductions do get reported, they are not as common as UFO sightings. So when I saw not one, but two witness testimonies in Texas detailing a sighting of the mysterious and legendary gray aliens, I had to share. As with most alien encounters, the witnesses were in a dreamstate... Most recently in Del Valle (South Texas) on December 10th, a witness describes meeting a gray alien that they believed to be related to them, even referring to the alien as their son (MUFON case 81094): All I remember I went to bed. I was in so much pain. Had a hard time going to sleep.
In Krum (North Texas) on November 12th, a witness describes a much more frightening encounter (MUFON case 81098).
Grey aliens...
What are we to make of gray alien sightings? It is clear that the "alien abduction" phenomenon is real, and that it is happening right now in Texas. What is not clear is if the phenomenon can be explained by mainstream science as a hallucination, or if a real entity is inducing a dreamlike/hallucinatory state in abductees.
What do you think of this story, and others like it? Have you ever seen a gray alien?
A ranch owner with a trail cam was viewing the footage later when they noticed something odd. It appears that a craft or helicopter of some kind may have shined a bright beam of light down onto the ranch for a long period of time: At my ranch in near Meridian, rural central Texas, I have several ( 8 total) trail cams set out at my various deer feeders. I periodically retrieve the SD cards and check the pics.
Perhaps ET abducted some deer? Or perhaps this is just a trick of light. If a man-made craft was observing the area with light, what would be the motive?
If you've seen anything strange in the Cranfills Gap area? Report your sighting! In the meantime, share your thoughts on this story and more in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter. |
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