March 3rd, 2015 Update: Another report has confirmed this sighting - but at the Cotulla oil fields specifically. A father and son driving along south I-35 spotted orange balls of light disappearing and reappearing in different parts of the sky - first just three appeared, and then they were (seemingly) everywhere. Check out the testimony graciously submitted to Texas UFO Sightings: I was driving down I-35 southbound from San Antonio, TX to Laredo, TX. Between 8:25 - 8:30 pm, approximately, I saw, directly in front of me, up in the sky, 3 orange balls of light. They appeared one by one, in a line. And just as soon as they appeared they disappeared. A few minutes later, I was around mile marker 60 when I noticed another orange ball of light appear and disappear...this time it was a little more to the west of the first 3. Immediately after that, they started popping up everywhere directly to the west of me. We counted about a dozen or more appear and disappear. We did not see them move...just appear in a random space, disappear, and then reappear again in a different spot. Did you see these objects as well? Help solve the mystery and report your sighting.
Could these have been Chinese Lanterns? The day of the sighting was a Friday when a celebration might have been happening. However, the fact that the lights disappeared and reappeared in different parts of the sky implies something much more phenomenal. As well, strange lights like these have been spotted around Texas, one of the more compelling of those sightings was from Houston:
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