Its was round ball shaped at first sight thought it was a weired bright star till it began to move it pulsated red blue greenish and white lights st one point a plane passed by it and it followed it a ways then came back and hovered around moving slightly We've seen similar sights in Austin and Dallas recently. Did you spot this strange "star?" Please report your sighting!
A Texas UFO Sightings reader was intrigued and then bewildered by a set of unusually bright blue, white, and orange "stars" that eventually disappeared. What's interesting is the moon was very bright, as well, and that usually drowns out the stars... but not in this case! He wished to remain anonymous, but provided a very detailed account: The moon was shining brightly threw my window around 11:00 pm and I could not sleep. The light was keeping me up so I went to cover my window that's when I noticed three l unusual objects in the sky. They were all in the western part of the sky one was a bright blue white orb wich looked like a large saphere. It was not a star I am a avid astronomer and can tell the diffrence. The next two were very similar in shape and color an in the north western part. They were orange and there glow was in the the shape of a cross. After thirty minutes all but one of the orange objects had vanished. My memory card was broken for some odd reason and no pictures.
3/8 Update: You've chimed in, and the best guess so far is it's a pair of birds. Can't be sure, but birds would probably be flying with a pretty consistent distance between them, so that makes sense! We've got a pretty neat "accidental" sighting to share today. A video editor was going through some footage and noticed something peculiar. Just 10 seconds after a normal, "identified" plane flies by, "two white dots" show up and move slowly through the sky (about as quickly as the plane). The orbs maintain the same distance between each other the entire time, and aren't going especially fast. Those qualities make me wonder if it's something that could be easily explained - but at the same time, it also has baffled me. What sort of craft could this be?? If you use the plane as a reference, this object is either gigantic or really close (which wouldn't make sense either). Ideas? Here's the video - look out for the white dots at the 15 second mark! Here's the video description: I was editing a video shot for Lamar Institute of Technology up in Silsbee, TX and thought, oh cool, I got an airplane flying through my shot. Ten seconds later I see these two white dots fly across the other side of the screen. No idea what those are. |
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