A parent and child witnessed a UFO over their neighborhood. Could this have been a balloon, as even the witness suggests, or something far stranger? Read the MUFON report: My 5 year old daughter saw something floating around the air outside the back windows of our house. She asked me what the "red thing" in the backyard was. I went over to look thinking it was a bird maybe on the fence - I asked her what she was looking at. She pointed up in the sky and I looked up to see it. Immediately I told her that it must be a red balloon floating in the sky. But it was intensely metallic. Not see through at all. No lights. It was seemingly "floating or swaying" in the sky. I had been outside all day, and the wind has been intense, so then I started wondering why it wasn't being blown about. I noticed it wasn't rising or falling either. An inflated ballon would be rising - a deflated balloon would eventually be falling. It was doing neither - just swaying a little to the west then back east. I was never more than 15 degrees out of my view in its motion. It was also a square. Didn't look like a cube, simply a square. I wondered if it was a balloon, why wasn't it rotating as it's being blown around.
Interesting photos of a round white object flying fast and leaving a trail behind were submitted to MUFON, along with equally interesting (but brief) witness testimony, detailing a sighting of two "crafts": "Two separate crafts. both zigzagging then taking off in opposite directions. I observed this up to up to 6 different times" Do you live in the Dallas area? Did you see this as well? Report your sighting and help solve the mystery. This UFO sighting was initially reported by Fort Worth's Star-Telegram.com. And it's a goofy one! An 11-year-old from Keller, Emily Casey, was searching a home on Google Maps. The Collyeville home was of her friends, and was about to be sold. What she found was pretty strange. Check out this snapshot of, what looks to be, a pink flying saucer with an aura around it. This is clearly not a hoax - you can see the Google Maps street view image for yourself, though from my view, the saucer is pointing in a different direction! Is it a joke played by a Google employee, an explainable anomaly, a trick of the Google street view cam, or perhaps a lens flare? From the story: “I turned it to the top of the page, up into the sky, and I saw this thing,” she says. “At first, I thought it was just a cool-looking cloud. Then I started looking closer at that. And I said, ‘What is that?"
So, two reports have gone into MUFON about UFOs accompanied by military jets. One sighting happened on April 21st, the other on April 24th. More than one person caught a glimpse of two oval-shaped UFOs following a pair of jets on April 21st at 11 am. A very large Military Jet flew SSW, from West bound I30 when these 2 oval balloon like objects, almost translucent, trailed far behind in the same direction but somewhat lower but ascending. I ran to fetch a pair of large binoculars but they had vanished! In this same area a few few years prior, above one of the communication towers a similar orb dotted and darted just above this tower. Recently I've noticed that this particular tower has been downgraded. Lights have been removed. Many planes fly over the area, but this was about 11:00am on a bright and sunny day. I asked a couple of people to view right above the tower looking up into the stratosphere as far as possible, and they confirmed the object. Suddenly it vanished! Most descriptions of UFO sightings are quite vague and without photos or videos, hard to do much with. However, this one from MUFON is great, with lots of tangible specifics. Clearly this UFO witness knows something about air craft, and on April 24th, he or she saw a group of military jets (?) following a boomerange-shaped object, which at first glance looked like a flock of geese, in Colleyville, TX. Around 2200 on 4/24/12 I was in the back yard facing west I noticed a commercial aircraft heading north with its landing lights on as we are near DFW airport and have several flight paths for DFW and Love field. I then noticed 2 aircraft at a higher altitude heading north northwest. They appeared to be military as the aircraft were in very close proximity to each other and one overtook the other. I then noticed several more of the same type of aircraft, they had the same distance from wingtip to wingtip and had strobes and beacons on, some were on a straight line path while others banked and turned and appeared to have no designated flight plans and none of the aircraft created a contrail. A total of eight of these aircraft were initially observed. I then noticed an object starting about 70 degrees fly directly overhead at 90 degrees. At first glance I thought it may be a flock of geese, as it was in a V formation, when I looked closer it appeared to be in a boomerang shape and a type of fog enveloped the object but was not traveling fast enough to create a wilson cloud. Approximate altitude was hard to judge but I would say 500-1000ft and speed was around 150-200mph There were no lights on the object it was completely silent and was only lit by ambient light. As it headed off into a northerly direction it appeared to fade out. Subsequent to this sighting there were more of the military aircraft in the area and no more commercial aviation seen in the area for over an hour. Another boomerang-shaped UFO was spotted in Longview earlier this month. Also, there was another plane/UFO combo sighting in Austin the same day.
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